11 years ago

Hello Seblod Lovers :-)

I've tried this question in the old forum, but i think there are no visits any more and so i try it here another time. My name is Kiki and i'm working on different german tutorials about seblod, also I'm writing a part of a book about Seblod in German.
For this i need a little help about the Mail-Function in Seblod and i would be very happy if anyone could answer my questions.

1. Could you explain what the different Send Mail Functions are for?

Never / Submission / Edition / Always

Whats the difference and how to use them right?! At the moment i'm using only submssion and it works fine, but i have to explain the other ones to the readers.

2. Message (Fields)

In the official explanation i found: "Message (Fields)" -> Render all fields -> [fields]

But how is the right syntax now?? I tried with several fields like customer_name, customer_mail, customer_phone.

I tried like this:
1. [customer_name][customer_phone]
2. [customer_name],[customer_phone]
3. [customer_name, customer_phone]
4. customer_name,customer_phone

All i got is the standard message. If i only use one field, it works properly. Do i have to use a group field??

I thank you very much for you time reading this post. You would help the german seblod users much, because this knowledge will be shared with all other users in book and video tutorials.

Thank you, Kiki

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi kiki,

Thank you for your post and welcome to SEBLOD forum. Thank you too for your interest to SEBLOD.
Before i start my response, i would like to indicate that we are working about new documentation for seblod products + videos + tutorials.
For your questions:

  1. Send mail functions:
    • Never: that means, the email will be never send.
    • Submission: that means, the email will be send at the creation of a new article
    • Edition: that means, the email will be send at the edition of an article
    • Always: that means, the email will be always send (when the submission and the edition of an article).
  2. Message (Fields):
    • If you would like to display all field by using one tag, you can use tag "[fields]"
    • If you would like to display only one field, you can use for that the syntax "#field_name#"

Best regards,

11 years ago
Level 1

Not complete :-)

I tried to fill Message (Fields) with [fields] and after this with #customer_message# and i always get a joomla standard message, no rendered fields.
Further i don't understand the complete sense of this field. If i use [fields] (when it works) it will render all fields i used in this form unfomatted?

So for your understanding: The usage in the normal Fields-Editor is successfully working. I wrote a message and used all fields by typing #fieldname#.

But how to use the other field correctly and why should i use it?

Thank you again ;-)

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Kiki,

Thank you for your initiative.
it'll be very nice to see a book on Seblod in German. When we have the first manuals and tutorials, we can give you more details if you need it, whenever it is possible.


PS : i consider this post as solved.

11 years ago
Level 1

Yeah Mehdi that helped me sooooo much! Tank you thank you thank you.

I made a contact formular and i forgot that the mail could be used for articles and alerting the administrator. Now everything makes sense!!!
Very cool.

So i'm very looking forward for the new doc and tuts.
I was the first one who made a complete Seblod Tutorial Series in german language and so I would offer my help. If you need anyone making tutorials or documentation in german I would be very glad to help you out.

Thank you, Kiki

164 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Here the explanation video



188 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

The e-mail field has changed.
And I can no longer send e-mails?

How to set up new e-mail field?


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