Let's progress SEBLOD together!
SEBLOD, as a development tool created by Octopoos to enable rapid
website and web application development, has grown substantially since
the first lines of its code were written. It is now one of the most full
featured open source content construction kits and web applications
available for Joomla. SEBLOD is now at a stage where community participation and involvement is crucial to its long-term success.
SEBLOD needs your help! In this article we'll look at the ways that you can be involved in SEBLOD.
If you're interested in being considered as a moderator, please leave a comment below.
Even if you aren't a developer and can't contribute to SEBLOD's code, don't underestimate the impact you can have on sharing your knowledge, helping others learn, showcasing your creations, translating, and generally promoting SEBLOD in the wider Joomla! community. With your help, we will ensure that SEBLOD becomes all that it can be!
Happy SEBLODing.
SEBLOD needs your help! In this article we'll look at the ways that you can be involved in SEBLOD.
Community forum moderators
We are currently looking for intermediate - advanced users of SEBLOD who can assist in forum moderation on the public, community forums. This task requires a commitment of at least 6 months to play an active role in answering community questions (often directing people to the manuals page), guiding people towards the forum rules and etiquette, and looking for opportunities to contribute tutorials in order to build the SEBLOD knowledge base.If you're interested in being considered as a moderator, please leave a comment below.
Building the public knowledge base
Over the past 12 months we have invested heavily in to dramatically improving the manuals that are available to help users learn SEBLOD. While these manuals provide a solid base for knowledge, unique implementations of SEBLOD functionality are still interesting to the community and can help others learn. For this reason, the tutorials page exists for people to share how-to's and tips & tricks relating to different aspects of SEBLOD. If you learn something about SEBLOD that you think others might benefit from, please consider writing a short tutorial and contributing it on the tutorials page.Sharing your SEBLOD and Joomla website creations
Prospective users to SEBLOD benefit greatly from seeing what SEBLOD is capable of by viewing live examples. The SEBLOD website showcase exists so that you can share your Joomla and SEBLOD website creations with the community - to help inspire others and share ideas. If you've created a website with SEBLOD that you're proud of, please share it on the showcase!Help translate SEBLOD
Thanks to the initiative of community member Paulo Pereira, SEBLOD translations are managed through Transifex. If you speak a language that SEBLOD is not fully translated in to, we strongly encourage the community to help contribute to making SEBLOD available in as many languages as possible!Contribute on GitHub
A few months ago, SEBLOD was released on GitHub. This was a massive step forward as it opened up SEBLOD for contributions from the developer community. We encourage contributions to SEBLOD core to be submitted there.Promote SEBLOD at Joomla Days and Joomla User Groups
If you're a user of SEBLOD and it helps you build your websites, tell people about it! Joomla Days and Joomla User Groups are great opportunities to share a case study where SEBLOD has helped you implement some functionality on one of your websites. If you're planning on speaking at a Joomla Day and want to promote SEBLOD, let us know! or be sure to see the marketing page for a correct version of the SEBLOD logo. If you do use the SEBLOD logo, please be sure to read and accept it's terms of use.Even if you aren't a developer and can't contribute to SEBLOD's code, don't underestimate the impact you can have on sharing your knowledge, helping others learn, showcasing your creations, translating, and generally promoting SEBLOD in the wider Joomla! community. With your help, we will ensure that SEBLOD becomes all that it can be!
Happy SEBLODing.
offering assistance
Although not a developer or a coder, I gladly would like to offer my help with the forum and the tutorials and manuals.... translating Seblod to Dutch is something I already do for some years now :-)
Best regards
Regarding the forum - that is great. Please continue with your help on there which is very useful, the next step is also to familiarise yourself with all of the material that we already have available on the tutorials and resources pages. After that we can work together on finding new tutorial topics that are useful to the community. If you already have some in mind, please feel free to start them and post them on the tutorials page. I'll be in touch with further information soon.
Help is in two ways route!
Vendor stores on SEBLOD marketplace
Thanks for the feedback, and sorry that we haven't gotten back to you about your vendor enquiry for the SEBLOD marketplace. This is currently one of our top priorities to launch and make it easier for people to list their products on the marketplace. Expect some changes shortly.