215 Posts
10 years ago

I have successfully used the Conditional, is Hidden and is Visible when a field is Equal to a value, but ... for some reason

I am getting an email sent for an Email type field (when I shouldn't), even tho I used the following settings:

This field: is Disabled WHEN Field: Route is Equal to Off-route  (also tried isFilled )

I am assuming it would NOT send an email in this case -- am I wrong?

My Route radio field has only 2 options.

Using Seblod 3.3.4

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi cubist,

I am assuming that you are referring to the email notification sent to the administrator (or the address in the To Field).  I set up your scenario and it appears that this might be a bit of a bug.  But there is a work-around. 

Create a Text Field (EmailToSend) for the Admin Email address to be filled when conditions are correct.

In the Email Field Setup, use the To(Fields) and add the EmailToSend field.

On the EmailToSend field, set up a condintional when Route =true like:

States: is Filled 

Value: AdminAddress@email.com

So, when your conditions become true, the Admin Address is entered into the EmailToSend field.

Hope that helps,


215 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Yep that works! thx again

215 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

I had a few problems with this method ... if setting the field in hidden mode it stopped working, ie no email sent. IF I set the fields in Default mode and placed them in the Hidden area of the Site view, then it all worked.

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi cubist,

It appears that this Tracker item is related.  Please add your comments.



54 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4

This method works well when there is only one condition set in the EmailToSend field.

When I add a second IsFilled condition, the field is no longer populated, regardless of operator.

Screenshot here

My aim to route the email notification to different email addresses based on values taken from another field.

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