548 Posts
11 years ago

Before to begin describing my problem, Do you know "Template Creator CK" ?

Well, it's a joomla extension that give you the way to build a template online.
How ? Simply in the administrator you click your "CK" template and it open an editor, but it is a Frontend editor! So, if not logged, it ask you to loggin in the frontend before to open the editor.
Now, let me explain you:

I was working with Joomla 3.1.1 + Seblod 3.1.4 + Template Creator CK 3.0.12 (PHP 5.4.8 - MySQL 5.5.27)
On my MainSIte.com I set Multisite:
  • Site1.com (domain Site1.com was the same where I installed the MainSite)
  • Site2.org
All were good.

I upgraded to Joomla 3.1.5 + Seblod 3.1.5 + Template Creator CK 3.0.12 and cleared cache
  • Now if I try to open a "CK" template I have back a blank page instead of the frontend login module. I tested and this is the error message: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/cpaneluser/public_html/plugins/system/cck/cck.php on line 313
    So I went into Joomla plugin manager and tried unpublishing the system/cck plugin that is named: "System - SEBLOD". So:
    - If plugin is unpublished Template Creator CK run without any issue!
    - If plugin is published and before to begin I login also into the frontend, Template Creator CK seem to run without any issue but a strange Template Creator CK template is shown! Seem like the Site1.com template (my MainSite.com and Site1.com in Seblod) Wrap the Temlate Creator CK editor!
  • Let me add also that when I unpublish the system/cck plugin, that is named "System - SEBLOD", all the named "SEBLOD" plugins change their names! For example the "System - SEBLOD" becomes "plg_system_cck"... Is it normal?
  • there's more! Now (logically with "System - SEBLOD" published) when I type in my URL Site2.org all seem to be ok, but if I type Site1.com I have back this error message: 403 - You are not authorized to view this resource! These happen since I'm logged in the Frontend.
  • Logically when I type, for example, Site1.com it "redirect" to Site1.com/index.php/homeAlias ...so, I don't know why, I tried also to type Site1.com/index.php and "a strange" Site1.com template is shown! Strange because seem without links and articles!!! (This happen also if I assign the joomla default templates)
  • Last but not least, in joomla you can always have same Menu titles, but the alias must be unique, different. That's right and have a logical sense in a single site. But, whereas is the alias that is shown in the URL, so have no sense in a Multisite, I think that "every alias in Joomla must be unique" per site, because I can have (want) Site1.net/home / Site2.org/home / Site3.com/home... Right now is not possible.Othewise, if "every alias in Joomla must be unique" have a technical reason, I think that there must be a way to show Site1.net/home / Site2.org/home / Site3.com/home in my URL.PS this is not a question limited to the "home" (that I prefer if would be a way to don't show "/home" in the URL), but is a problem for all Menu! I cannot have the same alias Menu name (the alias that is shown in the URL) for different sites! No sense!
@ Seblod Team, I wait your instructions if is a "Bug" and if I have to open a ticket on tracker.
Hoping you can understand my English, if you need, I set up a perfect copy test site and/or I can send you an entire MainSite Akkeba Backup...
Waiting your ideas and suggestions...

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548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi to all, I'm testing how to run the Multisite Registration / Login and:

  • always setting Joomla as: Global Configuration > Server > Error Reporting > Development
  • setting standard Seblod User Form as Registration Form
  • Clicking on "Create an account" in Joomla Login Form and/or "Register" in JFBConnect SCLogin I have back the same error in the header:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/cpaneluser/public_html/plugins/system/cck/cck.php on line 313

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

I never marked this topic as Solved, but now appers as solved. 

Please, How to bring it back as unsolved ?

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
I never received instructions about this from Seblod Team, so, finding a lot of small issues setting Seblod Multisite I had to quit and abandon my projects. So, right know I'm not using Seblod Multisite feature.
Please, Has anyone encountered this problem again in the latest versions?
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