10 years ago
Hi All,
I've created some tags in standard J!3 component (tags have IDs as value). I've also made hierarchy (as far as J!Tags doesn't have categories, but only child-items are possible).
Seblod allows to create J!Library (JForm) tags field,.. thus allows a front-end user to choose and/or add tags. But an user is able to choose from whole list of created by me tags.
  1. how can I allow him to choose only from child-items of a parent-tag ? I don't see any structure for tags like categories/sub-categories in Joomla.
  2. how to echo this field as normal Joomla tags (as links to the tag page) ? The idea is to create a page of user group with assigned users using a tag and assign an pre-defined set of tags to an submitted article by user.
Basically I want to restrict users to add new (custom, their own) tags - it's possible to do this in a tag field settings and tag-component.
Is there anyone who is trying/has tried/ use tags???
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hey Terveg,

I do not believe that Joomla tags are designed with categories in mind - at least not out of the box.  One issue that I can see - just like all naming issues in Joomla is that the Alias must be unique.  So that could be difficult for users when they are supposed to define their article with key words, and its already being used.  But maybe you have something totally different in mind, so maybe you could look at SD Concat field and force the tag name to be "tag" and the alias to be "user-tag" or something like that...  The only problem is that the tags then become available to everyone...

That's one way for users to have their own tags...


10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Randy, thanks for the reply!
Simply I want use joomla tags everywere :) :
  • to create a tag-page for a group of users by clicking on the tag link
  • to set pre-defined tags for the article/category and render tags as normally Joomla does

1) => For the first idea:
I created a user registration form.
I have created 10 usergroups in joomla with IDs=1...10.
Also I have 10 Joomla tags with IDs=80..90.
User can select upto 10 groups (all) - this is not too much, so it's comfortable to create only one checkbox field with multiple choice.

I need one page per usergroup -main target. A Link to a"group page" is going to be located under the user's name (like all forums=>username+role), thus anyone can click this link(tag) and land on the "user's group page" to see other users in the group.

What I do?
I have created a field_checkbox with [10 options = 10 J! group IDs]...and 10 extra fields_text. Each option of the field_checkbox is equal to a group ID. I'm applying conditional states for extra 10 fields_text in order to fill them with values like [THIS FIELD IS FILLED=80 WHEN field_checkbox IS EQUAL=1]. Generally, I match groupID with tagID in this way.... where tag IDs are from 80 till 90.
When user has finished with selection, I use a field_sdconcat to combine all retrieved values from fields_text and store them in standard->user->tags
Next step - I'm going to display the tag-links in my Joomla template using their IDs, stored in DB for each user (I don't know how, but I will find a way...I guess, I need to add SQL query and some php code in my template...). I'm not sure if this solution let me create "user group" page.
Might be that result will be = 0, because Joomla displays on a tag page only articles related to the tag, but not users!!! as far as users >< articles.
I stacked here and need some help. I can't find a tool to display a user group page with links to user page/profile using Seblod.

2) => For the second idea:
I created a sort of advertisement submission form.
I have created a kind of two-level cascade (based also on conditional states) from field_checkbox because I have more than 100 options (I split them in 4 fields x 25options, so totally 5 fields incl. "parent" field with 4 options/conditions). The field_checkbox have option1=999...option100=899, where 899..999 are IDs of joomla tags. User can choose all of them if he/she wants so like in previous case - I need a final field_SDconcat where I can store values from all of 4 fields. Storage is: standard->article->tags. In this case, I guess, I have succeeded because User creates article with assigned tags I need (not a user custom/own tags!).

What is difficult?
I think, we need a special kind of cascade checkbox / multiselect field, with pre-defined conditional states "from the box". You can imagine what i've done: i split one field to get 5 fields more "user friendly" & compact page for mobile devices....and after that i need a concat field to combine again in one - really stupid solution. Is there any other solution for multi-selection choice from over 100 options?

So, I see 2 extra issues/features which are not covered by Seblod:
  • 1.listing usergroup with users (or i don't see solution), where usernames are links to their profile pages
  • 2.work with huge checkbox multi-selection fields, without "cascading"/dividing them

10 years ago
Level 1
I'm trying now to solve the simplest article tags assignment :
  1. I've tags created in Tag's component: tagA  ID=81, tagB  ID=82, tagC  ID=83....and so on. In total ~100tags with parent tag ID=0
  2. I've created simple select board_breed field in form, which has options: tagA=81, tagB=82, tagC=83 ... In total ~100 options (this is the FIRST PART - I allow user to add only one tag, related specificly to the article)
  3. I've also some extra tags created with IDs=2, 3, 4...what I populate in the field board_addtag without a storage (SECOND PART of tags I want add them   automatically for all article submissions)
  4. I've created SD concat board_tags to concatenate values of board_breed & board_tags and store the result in storage standard->article->tags
In this way I'd like to receive { user selected tag + pre-defined tags }. But Seblod does not save results in DB. WHY? What I do wrong? I spent ~month to bring this idea alive.

In theory, it should work like this: I press breed tag (user selected tag) and I filter all ads with this breed. I don't need Seblod list&search

59 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Kobalt,
actually that was an example for search&list. But talk about submission form - user shouldn't see tags at all inn the form. All tags set automatically. At least I need take an user selected option and store it in Standard|Article|tags. But it doesn't work...
233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1
1. how can I allow him to choose only from child-items of a parent-tag ?

Sorry, no real answer for you ;) , but I wanted to keep this topic alive and to be notified, if someone else has related news. Unfortunately, Joomla core tags lack the "restriction to parent" on submission/selection. It would be helpful and versatile if there were a relation to category or usergroups. Funnily a similar parent restriction is available for display?! So, I am looking forward to the future of core tags component... (with a proper restriction and a real blog display, we would have a Drupal-like taxonomy!)

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


7 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

I see that this thread is three years old now, but as far as understand, there is still no way to restrict tag selection to only a single parent tag.
Has anyone come up with a viable solution?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Seblod only implements joomla tags field so if feature isn't available in Joomla it won't be available in Seblod either.

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