Ladies and gentlemen , help to understand the plugin RP Google Map. Set , set up , it works on the page of a particular object.
I want to display all objects on a single card . Read the user manual . Doing so .
1. Create a new TC ( for cards / For cards ) . Created and added to it the field of RP Google Map. Specifies the initial region - Russia , Moscow
2 . Created in the first step field RP Google Map add to my TC " apartments ."
3 . Field created Article (Related), the settings have a category that stores maps of TC for cards. Let a category called " Test " .
In the Content Type (Parent) pointed out , " For the cards "
Added this field in your TC " apartments ."
Create content " General Map apartments" and put it in the category " Test " . Now, in every material TK " Apartments " I noted in the Article (Related) " General Map of the apartments " to want all my objects .
Transition to the material on the site " General Map apartments" and I see there only original point of Russia , Moscow .
Tell me, please , what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you.