Hi Klas,
I am using this method for the user to choose the article category, but the category is not saved.
What I'm doing, to be precise, is a Cascade Select Dynamic Field to the parent category, and currently are 5 subcategories conditioned that appear in Select Dynamic Cascade Field too. The conditions say that when the Select Field Dynamic Cascade the parent category has the indicated value (eg 5) then the Select Dynamic Cascade Field 5 Field subcategory appears, getting the "visible" and "active" options if the parent field becomes with the value equal to 5, if the parent field is different from 5 gets the "hidden", "disable" and "empty" options.
Something that I think I am doing wrong is that all fields are guarding the "catid" (normal || article || catid).
Would greatly appreciate the help,
I'm posting here because it seems a pertinent question for the topic, but if I need to open another topic, just say so. ;)
Thanks in advance,