Hello All,
Since Seblod 3.1, a new feature was added and it is well known as User Form Bridge.
In the past, when a new user was created to a site, a new article was created as well, that would carry all extra fields about that specific user. But many Seblod users did not like the idea of having a bunch of extra articles on their list, so, depending on the use of your site, you have a option to disable it. Actually, when you install Seblod, the bridge comes already disable, so, in case you need it enabled, you can go to Extensions > Pluguins and search for "CCK Storage Location - Joomla! User" and open it. On the parameters tab, you will see the option to Enable or disable the bridge.
When you enable the bridge, all new users that register to your site, will have an article associated to its profile, but in case you enabled it already and the article titles get date, instead of name of the user, you have to go back to the plugin manager and set another parameter, called "Default Title" to custom and on the text box that will open, you add the fields you want to make as Article title. It can be more than one field, for example "#user_first_name# #user_last_name#"
I hope this tip can help Seblod users to make nice registration form