11 years ago

Hello all,

up to SEBLOD 1.9 we were able to show the field description in a tooltip.

In SEBLOD 2.x, this functionality was gone and we had to create a custom variation to achieve this.

Are there any plans to implement tooltips as a standard feature in V3?



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11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Gerhard,

Yep. I'm not sure when this gonna be back........ but it will... definitely!



11 years ago
Level 1

And for the time being, can you dezscribe how to do it with a custom variation please?



215 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

You do this with template position overrides, jQuery and accessing the field label, value and description attributes. There are many articles and forum posts on this. Also, view these YouTube videos: James Morrell Seblod Tutorials.

One other thing, you may need to tweak on the /template/seb_one/fields/_markup.php file. If so, change the name to markup.php (remove _).

Note around line 36 containing: $label.$html.$desc. ~ you may want to change the order of these fields. When I have used the Configuration settings, I did not seem to get any change in description order when the template was rendered.

11 years ago
Level 3

thanks a lot!


11 years ago
Level 3

Thank you for th elink.

James has some nice tuts.

215 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4

Yea, they're for version 2.3 but good info. Thx to James. I updated my previous post also regarding markup.php file

10 years ago
Level 3
Hi I'm trying to add tooltips to my Seblod forms and I've come across this entry. You state that there are "many articles and forum posts on this", I wonder if you'd be kind enough to specify a few links 'cos I'm not doing very well at finding them. Thanks in advance

11 years ago
Level 1


Ok the placeholder trick is perfect for a few words description. But what if you need to give more explanation for a field?

how can we have the (?) button aside the field that opens a real tooltip ?



11 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for sharing this, however - it doesn't work for me. I do get a tooltip, but there's nothing in it. There's also no (?) button aside the field that opens a real tooltip, as originally requested. I'm on J3.1.5 Stable with Seblod 3.X (3.1.5) if that's of any help.

Any other ideas as to how this can be achieved - or why it's failing?

Thanks very much in advance.

11 years ago
Level 4
Hi zwergo,

Yes, I did inspect my HTML and everything seems to be in order. And yes, title and description are as they should be as well - it just doesn't work.

Nevertheless, I have decided that Seblod is not for us. There are too many things not working and no documentation to be found. Everything is based on workarounds and google'ing solutions to the problems - often without any success. I feel this CCK is far from complete and does not deserve any more of my time. It's too risky.

Maybe some day, when / if it gets up to speed with the likes of FlexiContent and F2C - right now it needs a lot more work.

But - thank you for your reply! I appreciate it! :o)

Good luck.
11 years ago
Level 5
Hi Lt,

I understand your frustration about the lack of documentation and the workarounds needed to achieve what you need to do. But as soon as you have specific needs, you need to do specific actions and I wouldn't call them workarounds with Seblod but customizations or overrides.

IMHO, Flexi and F2C are far behind Seblod. Once you've passed the frustration, there's nothing you can't do with Seblod !

10 years ago
Level 1
Hello Zwergo,

thank you for sharing this solution.

It really looks nice and clean.

Is this the jquery popover() method from Bootstrap available by default in Joomla 3.x installations or do we need to include an extra jQuery plugin?

10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Zwergo,

thanks for clarifying.
The "bug" is due to CSS overflow: hidden applied to one of the parent containers your form sits in. You can easily check this with Firebug and then fix it.
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello to all, I'm starting to take the first steps with SEBLOD and would like to share an alternative and much faster to create tooltips that I hope will be helpful:
  • you must first enable the description
  • JCEmediabox install (I do not know if you can refer to external components, I apologize)
  • Within the description of each item should be used to create a tooltip JCEMediabox following the tutorials directly from the site JCE.
I used google translate to translate .... I do not know if it's totally understandable .-)

10 years ago
Level 1

nice approach. Many people use the JCE Mediabox Plugin, so this is a good way to go.

Thanks for sharing!

10 years ago
Level 1
Why not use <abbr> for markup? It is standard markup...
10 years ago
Level 1

I don"t think the <abbr> tag is appropriate here in terms of symantics. It is supposed to be used for abbreviations or acronyms. See here. The description tooltips are meant to be explanatory extra text.
10 years ago
Level 2
Okay, I thought it was just for some small words...
Are you by any way experienced in SEBLOD? I made some topics on fields regarding maximum select/check-box to be chosen. Or perhaps you know some video's/tutorials explaining how to limit...
10 years ago
Level 1
Sorry, I don't really understand what you mean. Maybe you could explain a little more in detail

Here are some video resources:
A forum post with video links
German Seblod forum videos

To find more resources click here.

Good Luck
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Check out the new version!   Tooltips are available now with version 3.3.4. To use, add text to the Field Description, then in the template, choose popover for the show descriptions option.

Hope that helps,

548 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Hi rpoy,

many thanks for the info. Using Joomla 3.8.1 + Seblod 3.14.1 opening the Field Description the popup open the text editor, while what is saved is the JText string we can manage with Language Overrides.

Is it right to have the text editor into the Field Descritpion popup ?

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