548 Posts
10 years ago
Hi to all,
I'm running last Joomla 3.2.3 + Seblod 3.3.2
In "Joomla - Global Configuration - Site - SEO Settings": I enabled "Search Engine Friendly URLs" and "Use URL rewriting".
In "Seblod - Options - Site": "SEF" > Use Native and "SEF (Canonical URLs)" > No

All URLs rewriting work fine (Seblod Articles) except the "User registration Form":

A - If I create the Menu link "SeblodRegister" (Seblod Form - User, like explaned here), when I click on that Menu link the URL shown is: .../SeblodRegister, but if I click on the "Create an account" standard Joomla Login Form module link, the URL shown is still: .../index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=user&Itemid=0
Using the standard Joomla Registration Form, when I activate a Menu link for that, the SEF URL rewriting is automatically applied also to the Module link! What am I missing ?
- Please, Is there a way to have the URL rewriting working properly also using the Seblod Form - User ?

B - Always using the standard Joomla Login Form module, when I click on the "Create an account" Login Form module link I'm redirect to the Seblod Registration page, but the URL shown is: .../index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=user&Itemid=0
- Please, Is there a way to have the SEF URL rewriting running, like for example have an URL: .../SeblodRegister, without the need to create a Menu link?

Many Thanks for Help and Support
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi joomleb,

Have you set the global setting for Joomla User?
Under System ->Global Configuation ->SEBLOD ->Integration (menu item) ->Joomla! User->Default Content Type.

Then you can select your user form that you created as the default. I think that should solve the issues.


548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Randy,
Many Thanks for suggestion, but it doesn't solve the issue.
"Default Content Type" has already been selected and configured (I'm using the standard User Form with small modifies).
The only field I have not yet selected is the last one: "Profile Menu Item".
- I prepared for you a screen capture image, but I don't know how to add it here.
- I also prepared a test site for you and if you give me an email I can send you credetials to see and test this issue.
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi Randy,
- Please, Can you confirm me the issue, so I'll open a ticket Tracker ?
- Then, please, what is the job of the "Profile Menu Item" field ?

Many Thanks )
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi joomleb,

Going back to System ->Global Configuation ->SEBLOD ->Integration (menu item) ->Joomla! User-> Edit Link - Always With SEBLOD.

Is it on auto or Always With SEBLOD?

Let me know,


548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5
Hi Randy,
Yes, It was yet set as "Always with SEBLOD", anyway I tested it also as "Auto" and the issue is still there...

- Can this issue be related ?

Thanks for help and Support!
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5
Hi Randy, 

I tested this issue again on a new Joomla 3.2.3 + Seblod 3.3.3 installation:
  • Joomla "Global Configuration - Site - SEO Settings - Search Engine Friendly URLs": Yes
  • Joomla "Global Configuration - Site - SEO Settings - Use URL rewriting": Yes
  • htaccess.txt renamed to .htaccess
  • Seblod "Options - Integration - joomla! User - Default Content Type": User
  • Seblod "Options - Integration - joomla! User - Edit Linke": always with Seblod
  • Seblod "Options - Site": "SEF": alias
  • Seblod "SEF (Canonical URLs)": No
...all URLs rewriting work fine (Seblod Articles) except the "User registration Form":
  • I disabled Joomla Breadcrumbs module
  • I enabled Seblod Breadcrumbs module
  • I created a Joomla "Login" Menu Item link
  • I created a "User Seblod Reg" Menu Item link (Seblod Form - User, like explaned here)

  1. when I click on "Login" Menu Item link the URL shown is: .../Login - Breadcrumbs: HomeLogin = OK
  2. when I click on "User Seblod Reg" Menu Item link the URL shown is: .../user-seblod-reg - Breadcrumbs: HomeUser Seblod Reg = OK
  3. when I click on the "Log in" standard Joomla Login Form module button, the URL shown is: .../Login - Breadcrumbs: HomeLogin = OK
  4. but if I click on the "Create an account" standard Joomla Login Form module link, the URL shown is still: .../index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=user&Itemid=103 - and Breadcrumbs: HomeLogin = NOT OK!!! - PS while using the standard Joomla Registration Form, and logically Joomla Breadcrumbs module, is OK
You can test it on this Front end

Am I missing anything ?
  • Can you replicate it ?
  • Can you confirm it ? - so I can update the Issue Tracker
  • Do you have any solution ?
548 Posts
6 years ago
Level 6

Hi guys, 

I tested this issue again on a new PHP 7.1.18 +  Joomla 3.9 + Seblod 3.16.3 installation:

  • Joomla "Global Configuration - Site - SEO Settings - Search Engine Friendly URLs": Yes
  • Joomla "Global Configuration - Site - SEO Settings - Use URL rewriting": Yes
  • htaccess.txt renamed to .htaccess
  • Seblod "Options - Integration - joomla! User - Default Content Type": User
  • Seblod "Options - Integration - joomla! User - Edit Linke": always with Seblod
  • Seblod "Options - Site": "SEF": alias
  • Seblod "SEF (Canonical URLs)": No

...all URLs rewriting work fine (Seblod Articles) except the "User registration Form":

  • I disabled Joomla Breadcrumbs module
  • I enabled Seblod Breadcrumbs module
  • I created a Joomla "Login" Menu Item link
  • I created a "User Seblod Reg" Menu Item link (Seblod Form - User, like explaned here)

  1. when I click on "Login" Menu Item link the URL shown is: .../Login - Breadcrumbs: HomeLogin = OK
  2. when I click on "User Seblod Reg" Menu Item link the URL shown is: .../user-seblod-reg - Breadcrumbs: HomeUser Seblod Reg = OK
  3. when I click on the "Log in" standard Joomla Login Form module button, the URL shown is: .../Login - Breadcrumbs: HomeLogin = OK
  4. but if I click on the "Create an account" standard Joomla Login Form module link (that should be the same like creating a New Menu Type: User > Registration Form), the URL shown is still: .../index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=user&Itemid=103 - and Breadcrumbs: HomeLogin = NOT OK!!! - PS while using the standard Joomla Registration Form, and logically Joomla Breadcrumbs module, is OK

Am I missing anything ? Or, Please,

  • Can you replicate it ?
  • Can you confirm it ? - So I can add this to GitHub (the old Issue Tracker has been deleted)
  • Do you have any solution ?
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
The same happen when I create an "Edit User Profile" menu item like described here
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