Hi all
I can't use the seblod importer to fill seblod contents with fieldX and groupX.
Maybe there is something I miss but I don't find how to tell the importer to fill complex fields such as fieldX/GroupX.
For example with resumes, you generally have several job experiences and training/school items. Such items are defined with groupX in the seblod resume. We have CSV files of the resumes but even if the CSV file has each job experience in a separate column (and for each of them separate sub colums), I don't know how we can dispatch each job in each field of the groupX.
FOr instance each job experience could be defined by:
* name of the company you worked in
* start and end dates
* name of your position in this company
* description of what you did there
In the CSV file we could have (if we limit the number of jobs to 3):
company_name1; start_date1;end_date1;position1;description1; company_name2 start_date2;end_date2;position2;description2;company_name3; start_date3;end_date3;position3;description3;
but in the seblod RESUME content type we could have one groupX 'job exeperience' with sub fields (company_name; start_date;end_date;position;description;)
Shold we write our own PHP routine to import such contents or can the seblod importer do the job please?