548 Posts
11 years ago

Hi to all, 

I'm trying to setting my sites using Joomla 3.x + Seblod 3.x Multisites feature.

So, I have my MainSite and want to create the first SiteAWell, following documentation I created a new Home page and clompleted creating the new Site A as Standard tye. If I understood well, now Seblod when I open MainSite.com show the default Home, while I open SiteA.com it should show the SiteA Home.  

  • Well, when I open SiteA.com it show the SiteA Home 2 times !!?!! Why?

Then, I don't understand How to manage Menus, because if I create a new Article1 link on my Main Menu and set it as "Public", It will be shown on my MainSite, but also on my SiteA. So, while creating a link and setting it as just for SiteA it will be shown just on SiteA, How to create links that are exclusively for my MainSite ?!?

May be, 

  • Have I to create a "SiteB" for my MainSite and manage it as a "Multisite" while keep the MainSite like a virtual site for installations and so on ?!?
  • In fact, for the same reason, to be able to manage well permissions, I created also a Category for the MainSite. 
  • And, in your opinion, How to manage links in Menu?!? for the best management, Is It better to create links with different permissions all under the same Module "Main Menu" and/or create a "Menu Module" for each Multisite ?!?

Many thanks to all for spport :)

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548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

"Then, I don't understand How to manage Menus, because if I create a new Article1 link on my Main Menu and set it as "Public", It will be shown on my MainSite, but also on my SiteA. So, while creating a link and setting it as just for SiteA it will be shown just on SiteA, How to create links that are exclusively for my MainSite ?!?"

Assigning the Article1 to te "Guest" access level group instead of "Public" this problem seem to be solved, but I don't understand well why. What is difference from Guest to Public ?

Also When I create a Multisite there are Public and Guest, In fact on Seblod Guide Site types is wrote:

  • Assign a content to the Public access level and this content will be public and displayed only on this site.
  •  Assign a content to the Public Only access level and this content will be only public and only displayed for public users of this site.

But really I don't uderstand the difference... :(

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Ok, following this Joomla 3.x news article I think to undertand what's difference from Public to Guest.

So the solution I found is not a solution. The available solutions I can still think are:

  • Have I to create a "SiteB" for my MainSite and manage it as a "Multisite" while keep the MainSite like a virtual site for installations and so on ?!?
  • Have I to create a new Seblod User Group "Public1" with Access Level "Public" and Group Parent "Public" just to assign Contents (and so on) exclusively to the MainSite ?!?

11 years ago
Level 3

Hello Joomleb,

The "Guest" group is only for public user (not logged). The "public" group is for everybody because everybody inherit it.

After creating a site with SEBLOD multisite, you must assign a content (article, menu link..) to a specific site only by using access field.


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4

Hi Bes, 

in first many thanks for your answer. What you wrote I know yet beacause I'm following Seblod Manuals. 

What I don't understand is what I posted here in the first topic, Can you help me on my two main questions here ?

  • opening the SiteA.com (one of the Multisites) the Home link is shown 2 times !!?!! Why? (there is only one in the Menu Menager!)
  • Then, I don't understand How to manage Menus, because if I create a new Article1 link on my Main Menu and set it as "Public" it will be shown on my MainSite, but also on my SiteA (for example Article1). So, while creating a link and setting it as just for SiteA it will be shown just on SiteA, How to create links that are exclusively for my MainSite ?!?

May be my English is not so understandable, if so please tell me what I have to expalin better to understand what I mean.

Many Thanks for support...

PS if you give me an address I can provide you a Super User access to the MainSite so you can check all settings I mentioned here...

11 years ago
Level 1


show the SiteA Home 2 times !!?!! Why?

there was some problems back in earlier seblod however not having any problems with that in current s2 or s3.

try changing 'include site name settings' in joomla global and seblod multisite.

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi fredee, 

In first many thanks for suggestion. Then, I have to say I'm running on last Joomla 3.1.1 and last Seblod 3.1.3.

In any case I tested your solution 'include site name settings' in joomla global and seblod multisite, I have tried all solutions an all combination (No, before, after) without success.

I tested also changing templates and I discovered a strange problem using Beez3. While on SiteA the breadcrumbs modue position is Shown correctly: "You are here - Home", on the MainSite "You are here" disappear and appears a duoble points, like an unordered list.

I think that can be a great clue, a very good suggestment on solution, I printed the two screens, but no way to add them here! So, please, give me a solution on how to post them here and help us on solution, many thanks.

11 years ago
Level 1


'And, in your opinion, How to manage links in Menu?!? for the best management, Is It better to create links with different permissions all under the same Module "Main Menu" and/or create a "Menu Module" for each Multisite ?!?'

this question is probably impossible to answer without knowledge of a site objectives, etc.

Either method can be used, or a mix, depending on requirements. However multi menu requires more maintenance if not required to achieve a purpose.

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

I thought about this issue during these days. In my opinion one of the best way can be to:

  • create links with different permissions all under the same Module "Main Menu" for the "standard service links" like: Home (a need), Contact us etc.to put at the bottom of each site for example.
  • create a (one or more) "Menu Module" for each Multisite for specific Categories / Articles and so on of each site, to put where I want depending on site template and customer needs.
And, please, have you an idea on this my question:  I don't understand How to manage Menus, because if I create a new Article1 link on my Main Menu and set it as "Public" it will be shown on my MainSite, but also on mySiteA (for example Article1). So, while creating a link and setting it as just for SiteA it will be shown just on SiteA, How to create links that are exclusively for my MainSite ?!?
  • Have I to create a "SiteB" for my MainSite and manage it as a "Multisite" while keep the MainSite like a virtual site for installations and so on ?!?
  • Have I to create a new Seblod User Group "Public1" with Access Level "Public1" and Group Parent "Public" just to assign Contents (and so on) exclusively to the MainSite ?!?

11 years ago
Level 3


you should just setup a couple of sites and do some testing. once you see working it becomes clearer.

good thing is can change easily with joomla and seblod.

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

After a lot of tests:

About the SiteA Home shown 2 times:

  • I created a "news" Menu link and some articles. So my Menu for SiteA is:

Home - Home - News

If I click on News my URL show: http://SiteA.com/index.php/news 

then I click on the first Home and in my URL I have: http://SiteA.com/index.php/home

then I click again on News my URL show: http://SiteA.com/index.php/news

then I click on the second Home and in my URL I have: http://SiteA.com ...but just for the first click, if I click again the same URL http://SiteA.com/index.php/home like for the other Home menu link is shown.

  • I moved the SiteA "Home" from the MainMenu to another one I have created together with the "News". Then I changed the "Home" name in "MainHome" for the MainSite and I bring the Menu Module position to "debug" position.

Well, now in the SiteA now in the Menu position "Home" and "News" are shown well, no double Home! But there is still a "Home" link in the debug position! That link bring me always in the http://SiteA.com/index.php/home ...while in the MainSite I have the "MainHome" link in the debug position that bring me to http://MainSite.com !!!

The same Menu link is shown in two differents ways !

I'm not a programmer, but I suppouse is something related to the fact that at the beginning making tests trying to have my SiteA running, I set the SiteA Home as "default" and then I set again as default the original home...

About How to create links that are exclusively for my MainSite ?!?

(because if I create a new Article1 link on my Main Menu and set it as "Public" It will be shown on my MainSite, but also on my SiteA. While creating a link and setting it as just for SiteA it will be shown just on SiteA)

  • I tested creating a new Seblod User Group "Public1" with Access Level "Public1" and Group Parent "Public" just to assign Contents (and so on) exclusively to the MainSite but without any success!
  • I tested using again tha Multisite Seblod feature. I created a Standard "SiteB" for my MainSite.com. I leave "as default" the Home, Language and Template style fields. Seblod created for me the related UserGroups and ACL... and seem to work! Now I can assign also the Home joomla default to the "SiteB" ACL that bring me to my root MainSite.com.
I don't understand why I'm not able to simply add a new ACL and UserGroup and need to create a site also for my MainSite to see the Sites running.

Hooping that these information can help anyone to give me help with right instructions and/or solve the "bug"... many thanks to all
PS I opened a related ticket in the Tracker section...

11 years ago
Level 2


All this topics is related to Joomla ACL and the fact that SEBOD multi site used Joomla ACL.

What you call the "main site" is not the site which use the native "public" group. The website which use this group is more the "common website". That's mean all elements displayed on this "common website" will be displayed on other too.

Joomla ACL used inherit system (which is very great). That's mean any elements with the native public access is displayed on any website because the "public group" is the first/root group of the Group tree (inherit) and all others groups must be in this "public" group.

In conclusion, yes, you must not used the native public group to manage a website with his own contents.

Then if you wish to be able to display an element on both website just add a permission access assigned to each "public" group of the concerned website (example pubic site1 + public site2). The public group of your website is the first group which include all other sub-groups of your site1 or 2.


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Hi Bes, many thanks for help! So:

I have my Joomla + Seblod installation, this is the "common website" on my domain A.com.

Using Seblod Multisite I create and Set Up B.com - C.com - D.com ...and all is ok, because when I create them Seblod automatically create UserGroups and ACL for that Sites/domains. So, if I want display an element on the website B.com just add a permission access assigned to "B.com public" group, and if I want display an element on the website B.com and C.com just add a permission access assigned to each "B.com public" group and "C.com public" groups.

The public group of my website A.com, the "common website", is the first group which include all other sub-groups of my B.com or C.com. All elements displayed as native public group on this "common website" A.com will be displayed on other too.

So, I have not to use the native public group to display elements exclusive for my A.com (the "common website").

What I don't understand is the way to follow:

  • Have I to create a new Joomla UserGroup "A.com public" with Access Level "A.com public" and Group Parent "Public" just to assign Contents (and so on) exclusively to the A.com "common website" ? (I tested it but without any success, I don't know if is why I'm missing something...)
  • Have I to consider my A.com domain like the other B.com - C.com - etc. ? So, Have I to create a Standard A.com "Site" through the Multisite Seblod feature on my "common website" installation ? Creating it I leave "as default" the Home, Language and Template style fields on the Seblod "Set Up a Site" page. Seblod will create for me the related UserGroups and ACL...

Last, but not least, What's happen to the Registration and Login ?!?

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Joomleb,

I just wanted to mention that after having solved my previous issues i'm  now facing the same problem : the website i'm setting up will have at least 7 languages, and for every specific language (except one which is the main one -> english) the seblod defined homepage link is displayed twice.

11 years ago
Level 2

Okay Joomleb : dupplicated menuitem issue solved : )

The issue appear because your default Joomla homepage is displayed in your menu. Assign this to a hidden menu-item and you are done.

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Hi ConradM, 

I don't think that hidden the menu-item is the solution. That menu-item is the default joomla Homepage that is the homepage of my "common website".

If I understood well, you used the Seblod multisite feature to set up 7 sites (one for each language). But, How do you set up them? How do you use your "common website"? (Please take a look on my previous topic where I answer to Seb).

I ask you because I tested:

if you consider your A.com domain (the main domain where you installed jjomla + seblod, pratically your "common website") like the other B.com - C.com - etc., and you create a Standard A.com "Site" through the Multisite Seblod feature on your "common website" installation (be careful: creating it leave "as default" the Home, Language and Template style fields on the Seblod "Set Up a Site" page). Seblod will create for you the related UserGroups "A.com UserGroup" and ACL "A.com ACL".

Now if you assign the joomla default homepage to the public "A.com" = All seem to work!

I write "seem" because I would be very grateful if someone of the Seblod Team can confirm and clear this Set up!

Please, update me if you try my "solution" :) 

11 years ago
Level 4

For the moment the site i'm building is not online and has only 3 languages but it works ! The 4 more will come soon and maybe more...

For me there is no "common website" there is a common domain where visitors chooses their language which leads them to a subdomain (one of the 7 sites). I use what you call the "common website" for common elements that don't require translation.

It seems to me that if you display a menu where you have the default Joomla homepage AND the default Seblod one then you get your homepage link displayed twice. 

11 years ago
Level 1


When you create a site with SEBLOD you can select basic, standard and advanced. In regards of this choice different groups and access are created automatically for you. Normally you don't really need to create this groups yourself. See here http://www.seblod.com/v2/documentation/seblod-2x/multi-sites/1832-site-types.html

Joomleb your difficulty is about your "common" website. And it depends of what's a "common website", common contents, common menu links, common modules..?

If you use the "common website" which is related to the "public" group don't make really sense because all elements of all your site can be displayed in one website.

I advise you to define with SEBLOD another site (that you can call common website).  And see the public access level to allow to share an element between all your sites.

A new version of SEBLOD will be published today with home page redirection fixed.


152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Sébastien,

could it be, that most Sebloders (including me) using multisite or at least are going to use it misunderstood a key factor? The point is this: When i started my last project with Seblod, i had some thoughts making it multisite-capable later. In other words: I thought i could just add an other site to my finished project.

So i made a great project so far, with great template, modules, components and so on. But now i realized that my project (including anything i made for it: articles, categories, modules...) is "public", which is so important for understanding multisite. I guess it was a huge mistake starting this way. Instead i should do this:

After installing Joomla and Seblod and BEFORE creating any content, i have to create a new site with Seblod, which for example could be for the project i mentioned above. Lets call it Site1. All content of Site1, like menus, articles, module etc. gets a new access level for frontend visitors, which is only associated to Site1. Now i am going to make some crazy thing and create an additional site, lets call it Site2. All content of Site2 gets a new access level for frontend visitors, which is only associated to Site2! So far, my content for Site1 will only appear for Site1 visitors and my content for Site2 will only appear for Site2 visitors. But what if i want some content shared by both sites? I give this content the good old "public" access level so it will appear on both sites!

But whats my point? I just need some confirmation from you or someone else, that it was a really bad idea to start the project like i did primary and that the way i described above is the right way :)

kind regards

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Hi pixelneco, 

that's the way I'm working now with Multisite and seem all is running...

So, in my opinion, lets create your Site1 and then simply assign all you need (menus, modules, contents and so on) to the Site1 Access Content Level. Don't forget to crete in first the category Site1 and move all Site1 content under that category.

Now I'm thinking how to manage the Multilanguage in a Multisite, for example:

the Site1 is in English by default. Is it better to call it yet Site1en ?!?

If I want create the Spanish Site1, the Site1es, Have I to "put" it by side the Site1en or under the Site1 ?!? In this case, Have I to create a new Site1en ?!?

PS I never used the Multilanguage here in Seblod and in the new Joomla (just used joomFish in past) 

11 years ago
Level 1
  1. Fresh joomla install and installed SEBLOD
  2. Created site-1 and site-2
  3. Pointed both site-1.web.com and site-2.web.com into /pulblic_html/joomla-install-folder/
  4. Now created menu links home-site-1 and home-site-2
    I assign appropriate access level: home-site-1 gets access level "site-1"
    For some reason I don't see my new menu items.. on when I browse to http://site-1.web.com

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