548 Posts
11 years ago

Hi to all, 

Ok, as mentioned slightly at point 7 "Setup a site Guide" Creating a new Standard SiteA with Multisite feature, Seblod automaticly creates also what you called "...example users related to the created site to simplify the task...", pratically, 3 new Users like:

  • User Name: SiteA - email: SiteA@MainSite.com
  • User Name: SiteA administrator - email: administrator_SiteA@MainSite.com
  • User Name: SiteA registered - email: registered_SiteA@MainSite.com
Data are purely invented, and system try to send out three emails for the SiteA creation. 
  • Logically a Mail delivery failed return to the email Joomla MainSite becuse "No Such User Here". Well, Why are created the three Users ?
  • Is it necessary ? 
  • Is it possible don't create them? I want assign to that roles some of my registered Users and I refer do it manually and in a second moment and don't have virtual users inside my database. How to don't create example users ?
Many Thanks

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548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi to all, 

Please, Do anyone know and can help me on understanding ?!?

11 years ago
Level 2

This is explained in the v2 doc -> http://www.seblod.com/v2/documentation/seblod-2x/multi-sites/1833-setup-a-site.html

"SEBLOD created some user groups, access levels and example users related to the created site to simplify the task. "

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Hi ConradM and thanks for answer :)

I yet found that explanation, but I doubt that are just for "simplify the task", because I tried to change the user data (name, email etc) giving it real data, but the SiteA stopped to run showing me very strange errors.

Anyway, data are purely invented, and system trying to send out three emails for the SiteA creation logically a Mail delivery failed return to the email Joomla MainSite becuse "No Such User Here". I think is crazy create them! Having on my MainSite fake users. What happen if I need to send out bulk emails and I have 50 sub-sites ?!? 150 return back emails ?!?

  • Well, Why are the three Users created? Are they necessary ? 
  • Why not have a way to don't create them? I want assign to that roles some of my registered Users and I refer do it manually and in a second moment and don't have virtual users inside my database. How to don't create example users ?

11 years ago
Level 4

@joomleb, the "fake" users are just example to have an administrator account for each site. If you don't use it, delete it. There is no link between this "fake" users and SEBLOD multisite features.


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

I'm still waiting an answer from Seblod Team, because I still think, while is logically create the UserGroups and ACL, have no sense to create Fake Users...

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Then, sure, we have to look at performance, infact, knowing about User Groups limits (73) described here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/joomla-dev-cms/User$20group$20limit/joomla-dev-cms/xpDLD_kOv6c/IPx4Lf7jv3kJ 

(I'm not a progrmmer, so I don't understand if the problem is solved and/or why the discussion has been abandoned on November 2012 ?!?), I posted the question about "Why creating a Multisite the users are automatically generated?"

In an efficient system would be very appreciate the way to choose which User Gorup generate and which not (during Multisite creation), instead of simply choose from one of the three preset: Basic/Standard/Advanced http://www.seblod.com/v2/documentation/seblod-2x/multi-sites/1832-site-types.html
After that, I repeat, I'm not a programmer, but I think that creation is a need for the Seblod multisite feature, create a User Group and/or an ACL is impossible without have, minimum, a Public access for the specific Multisite domain yet created from the automatic Seblod process.
May be, one quick solution (about doing the minimun User Groups as possible), would be add a level before "Basic" site type, used to manage simple site which need only to display a front-end and not to have some administrator(s). If it's selected, SEBLOD will create 2 just the Public group and a Public access level.

...Or create an Administrator group (like "Basic" site do) is a need ?!?

11 years ago
Level 1


there is an argument for and against having users created and the Seblod team have gone for having them created.

i do not find it a big problem having the accounts created automatically and for some people it may help.

changing things need to be well thought through., not usually just an isolated instance.

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