548 Posts
10 years ago
As decribed in detail on manuals "by default, SEBLOD comes with 3 pre-made lists: articles, categories and users" and when I create the Menu Item I can select one of them from the "Search Type (List)" selection box.

Well, in the "Search Type (List)" selection box I have nothing, just the "- Select".

Please, What am I missing ? ...Where are they ?
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi joomleb,

What version of Joomla/SEBLOD are you using?


548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Randy, 
sorry to have forgot that. Anyway, before to post, I'm always updated to the last one :) So:
Joomla 3.2.3 + Seblod 3.3.2 

PS and as always, I have a test site running if you want take a look on it...
Thanks for help
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hey joomleb,

I just created a fresh install Joomla 3.2.3 & SEBLOD 3.3.2 and Im sorry to disappoint, but the lists are all there.  Maybe you can try and reinstall SEBLOD.  How have you been installing?  You might try downloading & installing compared to installing from the web.  Are there any other extensions that you have installed?

If this is an update, what versions did you update from?



10 years ago
Level 1
I couldnt also reproduce this problem. It is all as it should be. Same opinion: Before uninstalling SEBLOD and reinstall it, just install the latest version once more. In the past I had an undefined error and reinstalling solved this problem.
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Jurgen,

It appears that there are a lot of variables (i.e. Cache, download speeds/time out etc) that can have an effect on installation.  In once case, I wasn't able to download the SEBLOD file because it would time out.  But once downloaded, a reinstall was simple, and as you said, solved the problems.  Seems like that's a good strategy to try first.  Of course its also good to be backing up your site before you are doing anything.

Glad its working for you!


85 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi all,

Same issue here :( on Fresh joomla 3.2.3 & seblod 3.3.2 install.
I've never saw that on my some installs.
Apache 2.2.22 – Mysql 5.5.24 – PHP 5.3.13 on local machine (wampserver)

Reinstall Seblod don't solve the problem.
I keeping hope search :)

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi guys,
many thanks for your interest on this issue!

All sites are running on the same Server:
Apache 2.2.26 - MySQLi 5.5.32-cll - PHP 5.4.8
.htaccess + php.ini - (same files for all sites, I can provide them if necessary)

In first of all (always on the same Server):
- I re-downloaded last Joomla 3.2.3 and last Seblod 3.3.2
- I created a new subdomain
- I made a clean/fresh Joomla 3.2.3 + Seblod 3.3.2 installation (nothing else) - pefect installations without any issues - the only issue message I have back is this known joomla database warning
= Now in the "Search Type (List)" selection box, besides "- Select", I have the 3 prefilled options! = It is not a server issue.

Then (always on the same Server), I went back on previous Joomla 3.2.3 + Seblod 3.3.2 + ... site:
- I made a second manual Seblod 3.3.2 installation from the Joomla Extension Manager (Akeeba Backup Pro installed and... ) = same issue
- I made a third manual Seblod 3.3.2 installation from the Joomla Extension Manager excludeing "Extensions installation enhanced by Akeeba Backup" = same issue
= It is not a bad installation issue.

Now, on the same Server I have different versions:
- Joomla 3.2.3 + Seblod 3.3.2 + ...
- Joomla 3.1.5 + Seblod 3.1.5 + ...
All with the same issue = not depend on versions.

So, we can suspect that can be an issue related to "+ ..." (components, plugins, modules I installed).
I'm thinking to start from the clean new subdomain and install step by step all the components having a look if, and when, the issue appear.
Before to do it, Do you have any suggestion on doing it ?
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi guys,
I left you with the security that a new standard "Joomla 3.2.3 + Seblod 3.3.2" works, and the suspect that issue was a component/plugin/module incompatibility. I haven't received any suggestions, so, following my previous post these are the tests, step by step:
  1. I cloned my "Joomla 3.2.3 + Seblod 3.3.2 + ..." installation on a new subdomain
  2. one per one I disinstalled all components from that and check each time if anything change = nothing changed
  3. I disabled all the stranger plugins (I left only the standard Joomla and Seblod ones) = nothing changed
  4. I disabled all the stranger modules 0 nothing changed
  5. I disinstalled all languages files of those components = nothing changed
  6. I disinstalled all libraries of those components = nothing changed
  7. I disabled and then disinstalled the Seblod Updater plugin = nothing changed
  8. I refreshed Seblod component cache from the Extension Manager and then installed again Seblod 3.3.2 from the standard (not Akeeba) "Upload & Install Joomla Extension": I had back an error message:
    1060 Duplicate column name 'path' SQL=ALTER TABLE prva_cck_core_folders ADD path VARCAR( 1024 ) NOT NULL AFTER parent_id;
  9. I reinstalled again the Seblod 3.3.2 package and had back a second error message:
    JLIB_FILESYSTEM_DELETE_FAILED Failed to delete /.../language/fr-FR/fr-FR.lib_cck.ini
    JLIB_FILESYSTEM_DELETE_FAILED Failed to delete /.../fr-FR/fr-FR.lib_cck.sys.ini
  10. I reinstalled it a third time without any error message, checked = nothing changed
  11. I regressed all Joomla configuration to the standard installation = nothing changed
  12. I regressed all Seblod configuration to the standard installation = nothing changed
  13. So, thinking about what I may have chnaged from standard installation and comparing / surfing in Seblod I noted with surprise that in not a "Search Type (List)" visualization problem, simply the new 3 "Lists & Search Type" (I think introduced from Seblod 3.2.0)have not been installed! And / or are not shown into the "Lists & Search Type" manager !
    But, there is more! Also all the changements and new fields introduced are not there!
    - Article: Admin Form 14 / Site Form 14 - instead to be 28 / 21
    - Category: Admin Form 12 / Site Form 10 - instead to be 26 / 18
    - User: Admin Form 12 / Site Form 6 - instead to be 40 / 16
    - User Group: Admin Form 3 - instead to be 5
  14. So, I dubt that the small changes I done into the Form & Content Type > User > Site Form can caused an update problem.
    I went back and pick my "Joomla 3.1.5 + Seblod 3.1.5 + ..." backup that have any modify on Seblod Form & Content Types. Installed, updated Joomla, and then installed the Seblod 3.3.2 ackage from the standard (not Akeeba) "Upload & Install Joomla Extension". I had back an error message:
    JLIB_FILESYSTEM_DELETE_FAILED Failed to delete /.../language/fr-FR/fr-FR.lib_cck.ini
    JLIB_FILESYSTEM_DELETE_FAILED Failed to delete /.../fr-FR/fr-FR.lib_cck.sys.ini
  15. I reinstalled it again without any error message, checked = nothing changed, so it is not related to the few changes I made into the Form & Content Type > User > Site Form

This is why I think and suspect this is an installation issue and maybe Seblod update BUG.
Please, Do you have any suggestion ?
Can you help me on check and solve this issue ? (I have two live sites that waiting a solution)
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
I opened a an issue ticket on tracker and added some images.
Then, some more tests results:

  1. On both two live sites installations I have the problem I checked into the "History/Log added for all Install/Update/Uninstall events" feature added from Seblod 3.2.0 and seem that I updated Seblod from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 to 3.3.2 - So seem I had no updated from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 but directly 3.2.2 (or previous) to 3.3.2 - If you think can be useful, Can you provide me the 3.3.0 / 3.3.1 packages ? So I can try installing them on these two installations:
  2. I Used the Extension Manager Discover function:
    - on one site I found 3 cck_storage_location plugins (see the attached image)
    - on second site I found 6 cck_storage_location plugins!
    All plugins seem to be the same, just the ID is different, like as it never been installed correctly and each time I tried joomla tried to install assigning a new ID.
    I selected them and clicked on "Install" but I had back this warning message:
    JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/.../plugins/cck_storage_location/config
    JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/.../plugins/cck_storage_location/config
    JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file
    JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/.../plugins/cck_storage_location/config
    JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/.../plugins/cck_storage_location/config
    JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file
    Nothing changed, the issue is still there :(
Hooping these can help someone on find a quick solution...
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5
Hi guys, 
I tested installing over the new Seblod 3.3.3 release (with Joomla developer mode), any error reported during update, but nothing changed. The issue is still there.

  1. about this my point 1. Please, How can I download all the Seblod 3.x releases ? So I can do some testing...
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 6
Hi joomleb,

The only versions for download are in the changelogs.  Unless you have downloaded them from the seblod.com, they might be in your downloads folder.  Only the latest are available from the site.


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