52 Posts
11 years ago


I created a user form & content type (Customer) so the admin can submit a customer information as user. And I created a list (Customer list) to display all customers as a list. Now I want the admin be able to edit customer information (user profile) in frontend.

I enabled "Bridge" in "CCK Storage Location - Joomla! User" plugin. This way I got links on Customer list and this link opens an article created automatically with user registration but this article is empty. And when I click the edit button I get 403 error.

Can someone help me create a basic frontend user manager?

Thank you


Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1
Hello melihtas,

to make the user profil, don't use directly the article which is created by the bridge. You have to always work with the user content type you have created.

In this content type, simply add SEBLOD Profil existing fields (First name, Last Name, ...) or create new as you need.

By default, SEBLOD profil existing fields are not exclusively attached to the "User Content type" so they are store in the "#__cck_store_item_users" and you can use them in your own content type.

If you create new fields, two solutions :

  1. Padlock Closed: fields will be stored in "#__cck_store_form_nameOfYourContentType" and only available in this content type.
  2. Padlock Open: fields will be also store in "#__cck_store_item_users" (like profil existing fields)

You can use the two solution, but if you keep the second, you will reduce database access by managing only 1 table.

Now, whatever the solution used, you must use the storage below for your fields:
Standard | USER | name_of_your_field

Hope it will help.

Best regards.
215 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

I have followed this thread very closely and have a working editable profile in the front-end. 

My problem. I would like staff who are publishers to edit other users' profiles as well, but none of the permissions I am using seem to work.

Only the super user is able to edit anything in the front end. Even tho the User Configuration for editing is allowed for lower user groups.

Can someone spell out the proper permissions?? Thx!

52 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Hello Lionel,

Thank you for your time,

I already created a content type based on user object and I created a list (customer list). In this list I clicked button 2 and assigned Link-View-Current. This link opens the articles created by bridge.

How can I assign a link to the content type instead of articles created by bridge?

Best regards,

11 years ago
Level 1
in your search type, on the head at the right you have an orange down arrow. If you click on it, you will see more options for the search.

One important option is the "OBJECT" option. Just look if you work well on the "User" Object and not on "Article" Object.

Best regards.
52 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Hello Lionel,

The "Object" option is "User" both in content type and list.

Best Regards

11 years ago
Level 1
I may have the same problem (403 error when trying to edit the custom profile) with the Edit icon on the bridge article

We created a special user type (myUserType) with extra fields. We copied the existing USER type and add fields (with the Standard / User storage)

We created a joomla profile menu item that is redirected to the com_content displaying the bridge content so that you can see all your extra fields. so far so good!

But the EDIT icon that is displayed on this bridge article is
which doesn't work ( a 403 error message)

Normally with a seblod content this link should be redirected to
(since the user id is 475)

Do you know why the edit link is not redirected to the com_cck form as it is with all any other seblod content ?

I believe this is the same issue as in back office: if you click on the bridge article you are not redirected to the seblob user form

Thanks for your help

52 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Hello pulsarinformatique,

I wanted to build a frontend user manager so the administrators could create and edit all user profiles but I couldn't manage to do that because Joomla User Component doesn't allow anybody to edit other users' profile even if you are a Super User. That is why we get 403 error.

If you want only the logged in users to edit their own profile, it is easy. You don't need Seblod bridge system, you can disable it. Just create a menu type Joomla > User Manager > Edit user profile. The menu will open your customized version of User Profile Form.
11 years ago
Level 2

thanks for the info but my remaining concern is the EDIT icon link as mentioned here. Do you have a solution for it (hide the icon?)

52 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

No, since I couldn't manage to do what I want, I gave up the front end user manager idea and I stripped down the back end area (only User Manager is visible) for the client. So I don't use bridge at all.

If what you want to do is only to hide the icon why don't you do it with css (display:none;).

52 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3
If you want users to edit their own profile and not see the icon for other users' profiles, you can set the permissions for your content type.

Set "edit own" to allowed and the other options to denied for the user group.


11 years ago
Level 4
Hello Melih

yes but the edit icon is displayed on the 'user profile' menu which displays the bridge article actually. Setting the permissions in the user type has no effect here since for Joomla this page is a standard article


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