10 years ago


I have created a list, that works very well and shows the results. But now I want that the title that is shown in this list is a link to the content. Simply it is like a category list in Joomla, when you click on the titel the article is shown. The only difference is, that my content is not stored in the Joomla content table, it is stored in a own table, but in the Joomla Database.

Hope you understood my question and can give me a hint, how to fix the problem.

I already tried to select #2 on the right column and select view at the link option, but nothing changed at the output. 

Thanks for helping me :)

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59 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
12 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

I have the exact same request. I will however explain again.

  1. I have a form that the user completes and submits. This is a form & content type.
  2. When the user complete all the fields in the form and click the submit button, the data is stored in a table in the Joomla database called Referrals.
  3. I then have a menu item to list all the data in the Referrals table. This is a List & Search type and I use the table-seb_table template to display the list.
  4. I now need to link the ID field in this list so that when the user click on the id, it opens the record in another (or the same) form in order for the user to view the entire record.

I hope it make sense. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I am really desperate as this is very urgent.

Thank you.

12 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Just need to add that I have already set the link under #2 to content - view but nothing happens, no link appears in the front end?

175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Since your content is not of the article/category type, Intro and Content views are useless.

What you can do, instead, is to create a List&Search which will give you the view you want based on the content ID. However, you should create the link to the search, not to the content itself. 

12 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for quick the reply. 

Not sure what you mean by  "you should create the link to the search, not to the content itself." Can you explain how?

I really appreciate the help.

175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Select your list&search type and make a copy (with the help of Batch icon on top).

Add another criteria to the search tab in your new list&search - the cck_id.

Create a hidden menu item for your search, and in the Item view point your link to that menu &cck_id=$cck->getValue('cck_id')

For a peace of mind, don't forget tu put cck_id in your form

12 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Webcastor, you are a gentleman. Thank you for your help. I am all sorted.

8 years ago
Level 3

Hi Albat, 

Can you please provide a step by step process on how you were able to fix this issue. Most of my tables are free table and I am having a hard time linking the content to search items. 

Thank you.

8 years ago
Level 2

This seams to be the solution for issue I have been having and that has pushed me away from seblod. I am not really good with seblod and I tried the solution unsuccessfully. I am pretty sure I am doing it wrong. 

Where should I put the cck_id field? in the "Search form" tab or in the "List" Tab? I try in the list tab but it shows only the first ID

 Is the hiden menu be created within seblod or our? I tried out but it doesn't point to the article. also the hiden menu link should be excacly like this &cck_id=$cck->getValue('cck_id') ? 

When you say "don't forget tu put cck_id in your form" what form is it? the form data is comming from or the search form?

I will appreciate some details for new sebloder like us. 

Thank you. 

8 years ago
Level 2

Dear webcastor. It will be great if you can provide a step by step to view content from free table. I spent 3 days trying to understand what you said and got no result. Your help will be appreciated. 

1 Post
8 years ago
Level 3

Hi motombo,

here is a solution without the cck_id field, that worked for me.

First create the new list&search type an the hidden menu with a menu item which is linked to your new list&search type, like web castor described. I used a blog-template for the list&search type and put my content fields in the Item-view.

Then add the field of your table, which should be linked to the content view to the "search form" of your new list&search type (e. g. your title-field). Now hide the search form under the configuration button.

In the list&search type of your table, link the field (e. g. your title-field) to Seblod -> List&Search (Button 2). Under the plus-symbol you select your new list&search type as Search-Type and the hidden Menu-Item as Menu-Item.

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