116 Posts
8 years ago


I have a site currently running Seblod 3.3.6 and Joomla 3.3.6. It's been running without issues for a number of years and I wanted to upgrade to Joomla 3.5.1 and Seblod 3.8. 

Unfortunately when I upgrade (I used a duplicate setup for tests) the number of results displayed on a page are not what I expect. Instead of being the "Pagination" value in the setup they seem to be "Pagination" divided by 2 plus 1. for instance 30 leads to 16 records per page, 10 to 6 and so on. 

A side effect is that the total displayed is also wrong. It counts the number of pages and multiplies by pagination so roughly the number is about double what I should have. 

I had the same issue with Seblod 3.7.2 So I don't know exactly when that issue appeared in the Seblod versions but it seems to be somewhere between 3.3.6 and 3.7.2 and still present in 3.8 

This prevents me from upgrading the site so help is appreciated. 


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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


this must be something in your setup as pagination work normally on our test sites - do you have any template overrides, position overrides, pagination set in menus etc ? ALso some faulty template framework can affect this, please try if you get the same results by using default joomla templates.

8 years ago
Level 1


Or another thing could be the requirement of a GROUP BY t0.pk in your query (depending of the JOIN/other clauses) in your search.

Search Query plug-in would allow to append it manually.


116 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Saba, 

Thanks for the pointer. 

I did purchase the plugin and I managed to solve my issue after a few trials (there is a bug in the plugin: when you chnage the query and save it doesn't stick) I had to create a new field every time I wanted to adjust the query. 

What I also did is use the debug options in Joomla and compare the queries generated with Seblod 3.3.6 in Joomla 3.3.6  and Seblod 3.8.0. in Joomla 3.5.1

Remember this is the only difference between my two sites. And in version 3.3.6 the GROUP BY t0.pk clause is present in the query.

In version 3.8.0 however it is missing. 

I also use search join with a Select Dynamic (multiple) field based on tags and this is what creates the issue. When I do not make any selection if my record has multiple tags it is counted multiple times. As soon as I select values the count is alright. 

Anyway to me it looks very much like a bug that you are well aware of and that should be fixed. 

The search query is a workaround but it's just that. I have to update every single of my searches now and I have quite a few.

I would appreciate if you could fix the root cause of the problem.

Thanks in advance. 


8 years ago
Level 3


This change was listed in the changelog of the major release SEBLOD 3.6.0 (2015-05-08)

Most of the Lists (& Search) (> 90%) are not affected by this change. Only a few specific setups when you have JOINs (and you search for multiple values) will indeed by affected (sorry for this). And that's why the Search Query provide a way to force it in the few cases where it's needed.

On the other hand, it brings better performance for all lists. Of course if we find a way to do this more intelligently, we'll do!


116 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


In addition to the issue discussed above I also noticed that the ordering parameters in my list are not taken into account. I have played with the parameters in the configuration tab and even tried to use the Search query plugin to add an ORDER BY clause after my GROUP BY t0.pk, however it causes an SQL error as by default there is an ORDER by created date (which is odd because the default in my Joomla install should be published date and not created date anyway) 


Please advise. 


8 years ago
Level 2


Hum.. the ORDER BY clause is not currently supported by the Search Query plug-in (we'll add it in a next version).

Have you tried to put some fields in the "Ordering" tab of your Search Type? (and to put back the ordering parameter in configuration to "Inherited")


116 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3


When is the next version supporting ORDER BY going to be available?



8 years ago
Level 4

Hi Xav,

The ability to append an "ORDER BY" part will be supported in the upcoming Search Query 1.5.0 release.
It will be published alongside with SEBLOD 3.11.0


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