by Octopoos

Field Octopoos Free

Specifies a Canonical URL to your content.

  • SEO
  • Canonical URL Tag
  • Joomla! 3.x
  • Joomla! 4.x

Useful (and important for SEO!) when you need to access a same article from different menu items on your website.

Provides a selection of a specific menu item in order to add the Canonical URL Tag to the page.

The purpose of the SEBLOD Canonical field, is to create a single Canonical URL Tag when there are more than one menu items linked to a single item on the site. This is one of the most import techniques used to improve SEO. See Canonical URL for more details.

This field is not to be confused with friendly URL or URL rewriting.

Instead, this field uses a specific menu item linked to a content item which is used to define a “master” URL. As the page is refreshed, a tag is generated and placed in the head section of the page. The is based on the rules which are defined in the Construction section of the field and will generate a result similar to:

<link rel="canonical" href="http://my-site/menuitem?typeid=value">

Verify that the SEBLOD routers are enabled

Global Configuration > SEBLOD > Site > SEF (Canonical URLs) - No

This option switches between the Joomla router and the SEBLOD router. The Canonical field is designed to work with the SEBLOD router. To enable the SEBLOD router, set SEF(Canonical URLs) to No:

  • YES => Joomla Router
  • NO => SEBLOD Router

Add the Canonical field

Add the Canonical field to the Content section of your Content Type.

Canonical Settings Explained

For SEO purposes, sometimes circumstances arise when you need to have the same article with different titles. In these cases, the Field option is helpful to define which "master" article is to be used for the canonical link. To use the Field option and define the "master" article, select Field, from the Content option.

SEF URLs Selection:
This Field defines the SEF URL rules (ie: /alias, /id, etc...)

Menu Item:
Select the single menu item with which the content will be linked.


  • Current: Default action.
  • Fields: This option displays an input where you have to enter the name of a field that is present in the content view, and that is set in the form. This new field is here to get the ID of a "Master" article.  "Master" => virtually the same content and you want his Url to be canonical.


  • The Canonical field is not stored in the database.
  • This field is designed to work on a Content Item.
  • This field will not rewrite the URL.
  • This field is not designed to be used with a Search Type or Form.

Business Clubs:

  • Lifetime License
  • Unlimited Domains

Single purchase:

  • Free Updates
  • Lifetime License
  • Unlimited Domains







! SEBLOD 4 ready
(use 1.5.0 for SEBLOD 3)

Sign In1.6.02022-08-04

+ Alternative Behaviour.
^ Copyright updated.

Sign In1.5.02018-06-27

+ Apply "onBeforeRender" priority.

Sign In1.4.02017-06-09

^ Copyright updated.

Sign In1.3.22017-05-17

^ Languages files updated.

Sign In1.3.12016-12-12

^ Copyright updated.
+ "Behaviour" parameter.

Sign In1.3.02016-05-08

# Minor issue fixed.

Sign In1.2.12015-05-09

+ Dynamic Itemid target added.

Sign In1.2.02014-10-17

# Issue fixed (Use Value from Field).

Sign In1.1.12025-03-12

+ "Use Value from Field" added.

Sign In1.1.02013-10-11

Initial Release.

Sign In1.0.02013-05-31

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