Job Jungle Search Engine
A SEBLOD eCommerce-powered directory
Today we are taking an in-depth look at the newly launched Job jungle boasts some advanced Joomla + SEBLOD functionality and is a great example of many facets of the SEBLOD software. The project was undertaken as a partnership between project leader - Loudbox Media, and Octopoos.

Started by young Australian entrepreneur William Xu, Job Jungle aims to target young Australians looking to find work. The site allows users to search for jobs in many different employment areas, at varying skill levels and qualification requirements.

At a glance, the features of the site include:
  • SEBLOD eCommerce
  • Paid article submissions using CommWeb (The CommonWealth Bank Payment Gateway)
  • 2 main user groups: Employers (who post job ads) and Job Hunters (who apply for jobs)
  • Job services online store
  • SEBLOD-powered blog
  • Google Maps API integration for geo-tagging content for location-based search
  • Search by location radius (NEW in SEBLOD 3.4)
  • Article bookmarking (a feature of SEBLOD eCommerce)
  • Custom front end article managers for Employers to manage their Job Ads
  • Column ordering (NEW in SEBLOD 3.4)
  • Fully mobile-responsive using Bootstrap 3
  • ..and much more
JOB SEARCHING makes looking for a job easy. Jobs are classified using multiple criteria in the job posting process, and then these criteria are available as search options on the search page. Finding jobs near you is easy using the location search (with Google Maps integration) and the brand new Search by Radius feature.

Once you've found a job - applying is simple. Job Hunters just need to complete the simple application form. On submission, the employer is notified of the new application, and the information becomes available in their Employer Dashboard.

Employers can then rate applications and add notes for future reference.

The Job Ad posting functionality utilises SEBLOD's multi-page form feature. It uses a 4 step process which involves comprising the job ad, classifying it with Job Jungle's search criteria, previewing the job (in both full-content view and list view), and, finally, paying for your advertisement type. Once payment is approved, the job ad's status is automatically changed from "draft" to "published". This payment process runs off SEBLOD eCommerce.

Posting a job

Previewing your job's appearance (this functionality is achieved using a SEBLOD list with a live value that pre-fills the job id and then uses some custom template overrides to display the information)

Selecting an advertisement type (each option is set up as a 'product' in SEBLOD eCommerce)

There's lots more functionality that you can find online. Head over to to see it all. As always, we'd love to hear your feedback on the different aspects of this site, and hear about some of your projects in the comments below!

Display locations on a map


Wow.. its fantastic

10 years ago
Seblod definitely expand joomla capability, I trying to make website similar like jobjungle, but I must be passion in my learning-curve phase with seblod. Great Job...!

Very beautiful!

10 years ago
We need to know, as we the wider community can use the ecomerce?

Salary slider

10 years ago
Nice job, would like to see some day manual or video for "salary slider".

ecommerce release date?

10 years ago
Hi there!
Impressive site, congrats!

I'm on the verge of starting to put a real estate plattform together. One thing that is not yet clear, is the payment process (basically the same thing you set up for the different job ads in the site here). Is there any news when SEBLOD ecommerce is going to be available?

Thanks for the compliments

10 years ago
Thanks for all the compliments on the site. Very happy with how it all turned out.

SEBLOD eCommerce will hopefully make an appearance to the public later this year (2015) in some form. However that is not known for sure, because as you can imagine there are many many aspects to such an add-on that need to be polished before it's ready for General Availability.

BUT, if you have a project that requires this functionality, and it is a project for a serious client, Octopoos is available to partner with you to implement the functionality on the site. You can contact them through their website with such a proposal, which is how this site got built.
