Community: Events & Worldwide
12 & 13 September 2014
The JDay DE in Cologne has closed a few days ago and we wanted to share with you our feelings about this event.
Gold sponsor of the event, Octopoos team was represented in Cologne by Olivier Nolbert who managed 3 SEBLOD sessions:
• A basic SEBLOD form creation
• SEBLOD frontend content management
SEBLOD Q&A / Showcase

We would like to thank the organization team, the other sponsors, the speakers and the attenders : You have all been great !
It was a good opportunity for us to communicate about SEBLOD, our market place and membership subscriptions. Some web agencies that uses SEBLOD for their client websites came to us with not only questions on how to manage complex client requests but also with a big smile and this message : « Thank you, SEBLOD helped us again on this project ».

The other point making us proud is that SEBLOD users we met told us they noticed huge improvements on the forum about the reply speed and on the amount of documentation compared to 2 years ago. This is a proof that our effort to make SEBLOD a professional application are not vain.
After every Joomla! days, we are even more motivated to make SEBLOD even better by adding new features or public/commercial addons.
This JDay DE is no exception to the rule and we hope to show you new stuff soon.
If you want to watch JoomlaDay DE 2014 sessions, that’s here.
Please find the pictures on the Event page.
Displays items with an accordion style.


Good Job

10 years ago
I'm a Beginner user from seblod, You are Good and I happy to be a Seblod Member, Go to Better days. Good Luck