11 years ago

Hi there,

I currently have a problem with Seblod as it's giving me several CCK errors. There appear several error messages on the homepages, for example:


:cck::77::/cck::::logo_entreprise::images/33/Logo SparkUp grand format.png::/logo_entreprise::

These errors only appear with these fields, introtext & logo entreprise. After even deleting both fields, the error message still appears on my homepage. I use the following tools

Seblod 3.0

Joomla version: 2.5

Template: ZT news 4

Could anyone help me to solve this problem? If there is an old topic for this error, could you please be so kind to post the link?

Thanks in advance for your help

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152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi brullie (and welcome :) ),

::cck:: is not an error. It is a Seblod syntax used for custom storage for example in the introtext database field. I guess there is something in your homepage/ template, which is calling exactly this db field ("introtext"). Since it is a syntax which only Seblod uses, any other extension will show the whole content of the field (::cck::7::/cck::::introtext::...)

kind regards

11 years ago
Level 2


it is hard to remember back to old versions sometimes.

why not have a go at upgrading to later version.

10 years ago
Level 1
I have this on one article it shows the Seblod syntax instead of the seblod article.
Now i could only delete the article and make a new one and it would work but i would like to know how to fix the one i have.
I made an translation copy of it to another language and it works as it should.
If i edit the article it opens correctly in seblod edit and everything looks as it should as far as i can see, but in the webpage it looks more like it does in legacy edit.
How can i fix the article to show seblod article instead of seblod syntax?

10 years ago
Level 1
This SEBLOD tag is rendered by the SEBLOD content plugin.
Please check the order of Joomla content plugins and push the SEBLOD content plugin at the top, before all others.
How do you displayed your SEBLOD content? In the Joomla article view? In a SEBLOD list? other?
10 years ago
Level 2
My seblod article use joomla article as intro and blog.
I opened the plug-in Content - SEBLOD and changed ordering to "0 Order First", but my problem is still the same.
The problem does only affect one article all other article works.
I want to understand why it happend and be able to fix it, if not the easiest fix would be to create a new article but then i wouldn't understand what caused the problem and how to fix it.
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