7 years ago


Pour une bibliothèque, j'ai créé une liste d'auteurs avec une Liste de sélection dynamique et un champ X et je suis bloqué à 255 auteurs. Comment dépasser cette limite ?

J'ai été dans la base de données pour modifier les champs de la table _cck_core_fields mais la limite est toujours là

Merci à l'avance si vous avez la réponse

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

All data f the fieldX is stored in the parent field, so you need to check what storage you used for fieldX - if you used introtext I'm afraid I can't recommend changing it as it is Joomla core table, otherwise you can change it directly in the Seblod, just click Alter checkbox and select e.g. Varchar(2048)

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

P.S. Please write in English as otherwise I have to use Google translate that is not always 100% accurate.

7 years ago
Level 2

Thank you Klas for your reply

I tried with Varchar(2048) but it doesn't work. I tried with longtext and it is still limited to 255

May be this will help to see wath is wrong

Have a good day


4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

You are using wrong storage for fieldX, it should be Custom-Article-essai. But to change it you will need to make a new field as changing sorages does not work properly.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Also you talk about select dynamic and you have fixed options? Select dynamic pulls options from some x database table, not from

_cck_core_fields. You need to create some database table with id, value, text columns and put you options in it (with each as separate row) - see

_cck_more_countries as an example

7 years ago
Level 1


Thanks Klas!

Bruno, it seems that you're using a select dynamic and that you use only static options. It doesn't make sense to use the select dynamic like this, normally you must use the select simple for this purpose.

Have you an issue to add more static options into your select dynamic? 

Why do you speak about "champ X"? Do you speak about FieldX or GroupX? Where do you use this field?


7 years ago
Level 2

Thank you Klas and Sébastien

I create new field with select simple

I use field X to choose an author and another field X to choose an editor (There are sometimes many authors and many editors) and I tried Varchar(2048) and longtext and it is still limited to 255

Essai Bibliothèque

I still have an issue to add more static options into my select simple

Existe-t-il un forum en français ?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

As I wrote, put your options in a database table and use select dynamic to pull them from that table:

"You need to create some database table with id, value, text columns and put you options in it (with each as separate row) - see

#_cck_more_countries as an example"

7 years ago
Level 4

Hi Klas and Sébastien

I have modified a copy of the table #_cck_more_countries and it works well with a select dynamic

Thank you so much both of you

Seblod is amazing, hard to learn but so powerful to use

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