10 years ago
Hi All,
I have an submission form for one of content types. The form contains of several checkbox fields with many options (~80)
I don't want to scare my users with this amount of options directly on form. Is it possible somehow to transfer these checkboxes to a modal window?
Or maybe better to use field-X/group-X with simple select ?
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10 years ago
Level 1
Why don´t use tabs?
10 years ago
Level 2
at the moment, i've created field-X ( i also had an idea about checkboxes in dropdown made by css like here , but still, with ~80options it isn't managable)
nice idea about tabs BTW, but it's all about personal preferences - I have used tabs from the early begining of project.

When form consists of 30 obligatory fields, some of these fields might be overlooked by user. And validation works not good with tabs - user have to search through all tabs (maybe 3,4,5..) again if faults

I also thought abot multi-steps, but this is not applicable, because of seblod mistakes and comlexity of the form. Very bad thing (as I've already tired to repeat) that Seblod is made by developers for developers (by the way as many other joomla solutions).

To make frontend forms more user friendly, i have to add many custom JS code based on Jquery. As far as I'm not a programmer, it's difficult for me to make one nice JS and then call functions from that script in the field's settings (Stuff->custom JS). I can share it with you if you want of course ( i don't make money with development, it's my hobby :) )

Thus, modals in my opinion is the best way to bring user's attention to an action I need. The advantage of modal is such, that user come back to a form where he was, and can easily change selected options later. So he /she doen't get annoyed after redirects of seblod. ALL modern websites/social networks are trying to leave user on ONE page, especially if an important action is required. That's the philosophy i like...your page gets more reliability

10 years ago
Level 3
Hi Terveg,
Your example is with CSS and JS.
An easier way is full CSS such as

To use bootstrap it requires often only a class and can be done easily.

If the effect you wish require some JS, it's often not obvious and require to modify the JS code or to build an independent plugin. We want since some time to add a "style" option in content type edition such as the typo in content views. It will allow to shape a same type of field to different manner.

"validation works not good with tabs", yes, you're right and it's missing a lot! We need like you to avoid this difficulty. And it's one of our priority.

"Seblod is made by developers for developers (by the way as many other joomla solutions)", it's not totally false, even we try to change this. The first way is to help by supporting, writing documentation, creating video. 2 on forum support, Klas and Randy, 1 on video James Morrell. Octopoos behind SEBLOD begins to be able to invest a lot more, that's why we're trying since the begin of this year to support SEBLOD a lot more in forum, documentation, event, communication, services. It takes some time but all will be done this year. seblod.com is growing a lot and services are following such as seblod on git, professional support. SEBLOD is a free open source software. It requires some time because we're not winning money with SEBLOD but with our web agency.

I'm not sure to follow you with the "modals".
Open the field in a lightbox is more complex. 


10 years ago
Level 4
Hi Bes,
that example of checkboxes, really simple and useful! Thank you very much for the idea!
Honestly said, I like Seblod very much, i've never seen such flexible solution. Some time ago I was looking to cobalt...but seblod is much much better.
Ofcourse, your experience with seblod isn't comperable with ours..that's why lots of crying topics seems annoying.
Looks like if we could get more documentation, tips, tricks etc I would pay for an subscription, component itself !
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