11 years ago

Is it possible to create categories for certain articles?

I have some articles I would like to be categories, but if I do that, I have no view for the category such that I cannot type in example.com/component/cck/CATEGORY_NAME and see the category page.

Is it possible to make an article both save a category and an article at the same time? If not, is it possible to see the view for a category?

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11 years ago
Level 1


your questions i am not sure of exactly.

you should have a look at v2 videos this should help your understanding.

you can use standard joomla categories and/or use seblod to set up categories/taxonomy/classification


11 years ago
Level 1

Thanks for your response.

Where are the v2 videos?

My goal is to have a view setup for categories without having to have a menu item assigned to them. I want to be able to put in a custom Seblod Category type and then SEF link to it without a menu item. Is this possible in Seblod?

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