Create user form : have some fields in required 10 years ago7TopicHello,On the front end and on the create account form : i see the password isn't required...How can i do to have this field in require and the confirmation password too ? 756 PostsOctopoos - Lioneladministrator 10 years ago2Level 1Hello mouren,please, have look at the video below.For password confirmation, SEBLOD come with a second field "user_password2". You have to put it after de first password field, and add the validation "Confirmation" on it, like explain in the video.regards.LionelReplied with tutorial(s):Playing with Validation Rules mouren 10 years ago1Level 2Thanks a lot!!!! mouren 10 years ago0Level 3do you know if there is a system to not display the password into the email send to the user ? Because for a import user the password is encrypted. 756 PostsOctopoos - Lioneladministrator 10 years ago3Level 1 Hello, to not send email on an import you can disable the "Auto Email" parameter in the CCK plugin Storage Location "Joomla! User". go to the backend, in the Extensions / Plugin manager Filter plugins by Type : "cck_storage_location" Enter in the plugin "CCK Storage Location - Joomla! User" set "Auto Email" on "NO"Before importing a lot of users, test with 1 user.Regards. Lionel mouren 10 years ago2Level 2THANKS!!!! wonderful.I understand this configuration prevent sending emails when importing user with SEBLOD.But if I i create just one user on the front end or in the admin : a email will be sent ? 756 PostsOctopoos - Lioneladministrator 10 years ago1Level 3Hello,this configuration will prevent any email on User import, like for user creation from the front end.So, I advise to turn it off just for the import.Regards.Lionel mouren 10 years ago0Level 4But how can you do to turn off just for the import because into the plugin configuration you can just turn to OFF or ON the Auto Email ?If it isn't possible there is a solution to move a file to hide the password send ?Thnaks. Bets regards