11 years ago


I am trying to create a Recipe Apps with the following Content Type/Fields. Please correct me if I am wrong somewhere and help me with some fields.

1.  Recipe ID : (Field Type:Text) -  storage set to Standard|Article|id

2.  Recipe Title : (Field Type:Text) -  storage set to Standard|Article|title

3.  Recipe Alias : (Field Type:Text) -  storage set to Standard|Article|alias

4.  Recipe Type: (Field Type: Simple Select ) with option Veg and Non-Veg

5.  Category ID: (Field Type:Text) -  storage set to Standard|Article|catid

6.  Category : (Field Type: Simple Select ) and storage set to Standard|Article|catid 

7.  Brief Description : (Field type: textarea) storage set to Standard|Article|introtext

8.  Time Required : (PLEASE HELP: Here I want members to enter approximate Time (number) and display the text "Hours" and then  enter Time for minutes with the "Minutes" text displayed next to it. How Do I achieve this? Someone please help me step-by-step.)

9.  Serves :(Field Type: Text ) - Any other better option?

10.  Complexity (Field Type: Select Simple) with options: Easy, Medium, Difficulty.

11.  Ingredients (PLEASE HELP:  Here I want member to enter "Quantity" and then select the "Unit" from drop down list. I believe we need FieldX here so that the member can add more rows. Someone please help me step-by-step. )

12.  Main Image (upload_image)

13.  Preparation (Field Type: Textarea) then Preparations (Field Type: FieldX) pointing to the 'Preparation' field. How can I show a incrementing number against each line?

14.  Submit button: (Field Type: submit)

Above where storage is not mentioned should it be Standard|Article| or Custom|Article|  ?

Is it compulsory to add default joomla fields like Article State, Article Access etc.?

Any other valuable tips/tricks will be highly appreciated.



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11 years ago
Level 1

Hello Cardin,

sorry i don't have time to describe step by step how you must do, but what i can say is :

  • Always use "standard | article | field_name_in_database " (exept for FieldX or GroupX)
  • if you want to store in introtext (note recommanded), you must use : " custom | article | introtext[field_name] ". But it's more simple (if you don't use other ext plugin which will use introtext) to store, for exemple : " standard | article | desc"
  • point 11 => not fieldX, but groupX : 1 text field + 1 select simple (units). GroupX allow to duplicate a group of fields.
  • point 8 : it's not a standard SEBLOD function => plugin to be develloped.

Best regards.


11 years ago
Level 2

Thanks Lionel, 

Yes I want to be able to use the Joomla plugins like Latest News, Popular News etc. so I am using custom | article | introtext[introtext] atleast for the "Brief Description".

I an now using GroupX to show the ingredients (point 11) > Qty, Unit & Ingredient but I am unable to show these three grouped fields horizontally even if I choose "Orientation: Horizontal". If I choose "Orientation: table" then it shows horizontal but the "add" "Del" & "drag" buttons disappears.

As per pretobrazza reply I can use Concat Field Plugin to show "Time Required" (point 8) the way I mentioned. Is it true? Although the plugin is not yet updated for Joomla 3+.

After I am able to successfully set up my Recipe App, I am intending to make a video tutorial of it so that it helps others as well.

Best Regards,


143 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Lionel,

Couldn't he achieve point 8 by using a concat field? Whereby the concat contains the text: #FieldName1#||[hours] and #FieldName2#||[minutes] 

Kind regards,


11 years ago
Level 1


Help is very slow on free extensions and it's frustrating. Can anyone create for me the Recipe Apps for $30?



11 years ago
Level 1

Hello Cardin

sorry but we can't help all users, line by line in the design of their application.
We can answer specific questions on the malfunctions, bugs encountered.

the desired application does not solve themselves with a form. The solutions can be multiple. You will need different research lists.
I invite you to advance your project and return to the forum at blocking points.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards.


11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Lionel,

That's what i said help is very slow on free extensions maybe because the developers are  unable to help all users. I don't see many users here though atleast for this version. There are no clear documentations / video tutorials. Now I am just waiting for some user to create the Recipe Apps for $30. Next week, maybe I'll try flexicontent CCK,

I seem to be loosing interest in joomla slowly and in building my website.


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