11 years ago


I´d like to give users the funcionality of cropping/resizing images in the front-end when they submit contents. I would fix the height and width for cropping, then they will crop/resize the image for accomodate it to the standard web site sizes.


-Is there some one whow has done or extended Sebolod funcionality like this?

-If not, what would be the best practice for doing it? (If I have to build the extension, maybe it could become a new Plugin in Seblod distribution)

Like always, thanks in advance.

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11 years ago
Level 1

Hello Yego,

You would need to build your own SEBLOD plugin for this, as you would want to allow the user the option of choosing the size, correct? If you are going to be choosing the size (i.e NOT the user) then the default image upload filed is perfect.

But if you want the user to set the size, I would suggest looking at the source code for the current image upload field, and building on that to create your own customised version of it.

If you look in JOOMLA_ROOT/plugins/cck_field/upload_image you will find a good starting point.

Kind regards,

11 years ago
Level 2

Well... I´d fix the size for doing the crop. The user will be able to crop using that "squared template" wich I will fix.

I want a new plugin, instead if using the existence one, because some of the upload image fields will use the default plugin.


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