44 Posts
9 years ago

I created a Subject content type (the subject is in the title field) where I have created a list of subjects. In a book content type, there is a field, subject, select Dynamic multiple with the ";" separator. In my list and search type for item, I want to display the list of subjects for a book. Currently, I use the subject select Dynamic and it displays the list with ";" but no spaces in between like sub1;sub2;sub3. I want it to look nicer with sub1; sub2; sub3; How do I do that? Do I make a new field for displaying the subject article titles for that book item? How is that formatted?

Get a Book for SEBLOD
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Tina,

you can put the typo PHP String on your field, and use the option "str_replace" to replace each ";" by "; "



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