10 years ago


I have a problem with dynamic selection, free mod.

In edition mod, all is ok, I see my datas from an other table in my field selection dynamic. I can choose one, I submit, and I see it in my table (with phpmyadmin).

It is my request : SELECT names AS value FROM table2

But in content, I don't see it. I go in tab 2 of content, and I put : HTML with : *value* but no effect, is it : SDdatabase ?

Thank you for your help.

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46 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi manu74,

For SEBLOD construction (free) for all fields you have to respect this query syntax:

SELECT names text, id value FROM table2

where id is a unique value in your database table and names is what you can see in your selectbox

10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Castor,

Thank you ! it works now very great.


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