332 Posts
6 years ago

Hi. I've created a content type for creation of users. 

In this field I've setup a radio field that has two options for usergroup, with the value of a matching usergroup setup in Joomla.

When adding users, it works perfect the way I've set it up (radio field, standard storage, user, groups). 

But when I want to edit the user, I find no way to have it show what the selected value of this radio field is. It shows as "blank" each time. But, if I do select one of the two usertypes I've added as options it does in fact change it when I save. So I've got it kind of working, but not quite.

This also applies when I want to filter the userlist based on one of these two usergroups. 

Anyone had and solved the same type of issue?

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332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Found a nice way of solving this.

Just created an field to place access levels. You can use radio, checkbox or list. Whatever you want.

Then use the concat field to place the value of the above mentioned field into storage standard->user->groups

That's the best way I figured out how to this this, and have 100% controll of what's the options for user groups.

Also, this makes filtering by user group in lists etc easy, as you have the above mentioned field to handle this, without needing to mind the user_usergroup_map table. 

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