6 Posts
8 years ago


I'm testing my simple Front-end form with just one field, just to save article and send simple, static mail. I'm using only my domain within production server mail account to eliminate variuos mail transport problems.

I've been testing variuos config scenarios and nothing.

My Joomla is sending proper test email messages through PHPmailer or SMTP option. I tested even mail() function in simple php file with just basic fields (subject, mailto) - it still works well. But Seblod doesn't send any mail at all if I choose Phpmailer or SMTP, no difference and no error while saving a form on Frontend. Here is my form:


with Email field configured as mentioned above:


Any ideas what could went wrong?

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Perhaps your hosting provider does not allow same email from and to, also some don't allow fake emails like test. Email field works fine on other hostings

6 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

I found a solution or rather uncommon mistake.

During tests I entered in Email Field my few working mail addresses (From, To, CC). I did so, because in the beginning some configurations failed, so I had to be sure there is no spam-area error.

But later when filling the form with one of these addresses Email field didn't work. So the PHPmailer/EmailField/Joomla can't use the same address twice when sending any email. 

This is the stupid mistake I encountered during my tests.

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