10 years ago


I just upgraded to Joomla 3 and have been busy trying to get everything to work... just one error message remaining...

Im getting a warning message that the "plg_CCK_fielddiv" plugin is missing. For the life of me, i can however not find it amongst the seblod products. 

Could anyone direct me to the missing plugin?

Any help would be much appreciated!

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572 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Filip,

Just download a new SEBLOD package from SEBLOD.com and look in the "extensions" directory. You'll find it in there called plg_cck_field_div.zip. I think you *should* be able to install it through the Joomla installer. However if not just create a new directory called "div" on your site in the /public_html/plugins/cck_field   folder and extract the contents there.


10 years ago
Level 2

That did the trick!!

Thanks for the help.

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