1283 Posts
6 years ago

Hi folks

In tmpl/edit.php I have:

        echo '<label>Create PDF</label>';
        echo '<select id="json_options2_create_select" name="json[options2][create_select]" class="inputbox select has-value">
                  <option value="0" selected="selected">Never</option>
                  <option value="3">Always</option>
                  <optgroup label="Workflow">
                      <option value="1">Add</option>
                      <option value="2">Edit</option>

Should I really create the fields so that they exist in #__cck_core_fields... and call them like this:

        echo JCckDev::renderForm( 'core_options_html', '', $config, array( 'rows'=>8, 'required'=>'required', 'storage_field'=>'html' ), array(), 'w100' );
  • I am creating a plugin.
  • I have options for the plugin, i.e. Create: Never, Always, Edit, Add.
  • I can save them in the db in options2
  • but when I refresh the page they do not show, the fields are empty.
  • Do I first need to have the options created as fields and therefore stored in DB i.e. select simples, texts, etc....
  • ... and then use those fields for the options in my plugin?


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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Hi, not sure what you are doing exactly, but you can use developer addon to crate plugin skeleton for you. Than add you code to it and add necessary changes and - install plugin. Without installation and activation your plugin won't be visible. Once it is activate your code changes should be reflected in the output.

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