12 Posts
9 years ago

Very nice and easy to setup addon. Unfortunately the field that i need to use is the optional Field linking- But it doesnt work no matter if i link a textfield (expample) or (what i need) a dynamic dropdown list. we tried it on different installation.
It works perfect for a normal word search, but as soon as i linked a field in the "Field (optional)" it doesnt work.

when i activate debug i can clearly see the problem:

search without linked fields (normal text type in):

WHERE t2.state = 1 AND t2.access IN (1,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9) AND ( t2.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t2.publish_up <= '2015-05-05 13:56:09' ) AND ( t2.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t2.publish_down >= '2015-05-05 13:56:09' ) AND t0.cck = 'reps_worldwide' AND (t1.landland LIKE '%Italy%' OR t1.repland LIKE '%Italy%' OR t1.repland10 LIKE '%Italy%' OR t1.repland2 LIKE '%Italy%' OR t1.repland3 LIKE '%Italy%' OR t1.repland4 LIKE '%Italy%' OR t1.repland5 LIKE '%Italy%' OR t1.repland6 LIKE '%Italy%' OR t1.repland7 LIKE '%Italy%' OR t1.repland8 LIKE '%Italy%' OR t1.repland9 LIKE '%Italy%')
without linking field:

-> result perfect

when i link a select dynamic dropdown field:

ELECT t0.id AS pid,t0.pk AS pk,t0.pkb AS pkb,t0.cck AS cck,t0.storage_location AS loc,tt.id AS type_id,tt.alias AS type_alias
FROM `#__cck_core` AS t0
LEFT JOIN `#__content` AS t1 ON t1.id = t0.pk
LEFT JOIN `#__cck_core_types` AS tt ON tt.name = t0.cck
WHERE t1.state = 1 AND t1.access IN (1,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9) AND ( t1.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_up <= '2015-05-05 13:58:50' ) AND ( t1.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_down >= '2015-05-05 13:58:50' ) AND t0.cck = 'reps_worldwide' GROUP BY t0.pk
ORDER BY t1.title ASC

0.003 seconds (0.003); 7.88 MB (7.875) - afterSearch [Cache=OFF] = 30 results.
0.242 seconds (0.239); 14.27 MB (6.399) - afterRender [Cache=OFF]

all the field to search in where not searched.

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