71 Posts
9 years ago

Hi All. Immediately apologize for my English. Translate with Google translator

In my form, I have a Group X, which displays and duplicates fields (for example: there are fields: "Language" and "Level of proficiency") from another Content Type.

I choose: "English" and "with a dictionary" (respectively).

I click on the icon "Add" button and choose a "German" and "with a dictionary", and so up to 10 times.

Then, I changed my mind to specify other languages, and decided to leave only "English" and "with a dictionary".

Other languages, I was removed by icons Group X "Delete".

Then, I decided to remove and English. JUST DELETE, and not just in the drop-down list "Language" and "Level of proficiency" point "- choose the language -" and "- specify the level of proficiency -" (respectively)...

When I click on the "Delete" button, the last and only remaining Group X, is removed from the form and the form is generally no Group X... Group X of the field itself, as had happened...

I found the problem with the delete Group X from the form...

In the Content Type, which displays the Group X, there are several fields that are specified Condition States. Because of this, the last (and only) Group X in the form is removed. If I do, I will take away from the fields Condition States, the last (and only) Group X of the form - is not deleted ...

How to remove this problem?

Thank you in advance for your answers!


The same, but in Russian

В форме, есть Group X, который выводит и дублирует поля (например: есть поля: "Язык" и "Уровень владения") из другого Content Type.

Я, выбираю: "английский" и "со словарем".

Нажимаю иконку "Добавить" и выбираю "немецкий" и "со словарем" и так, до 10-и раз.

Потом, я, передумал указывать остальные языки, и решил оставить ТОЛЬКО "английский" и "со словарем".

Остальные языки, я, удаляю при помощи иконки Group X "Удалить".

Потом, я, решил и английский удалить. ИМЕННО УДАЛИТЬ, а не просто в выпадающем списке "Язык" и "Уровень владения", указать "- выберите язык -" и "- укажите уровень владения -" (соответственно)...

Когда я, нажимаю на кнопку "Удалить", то последний и единственный, оставшийся Group X, удаляется из формы и форма, остается вообще без Group X... Типа самого поля Group X, как и не бывало...

Я, нашел проблему с удалением Group X из формы...

В том Content Type, который выводит Group X, есть несколько полей, которым указаны Condition States. Из-за этого, последний (и единственный) Group X в форме, удаляется. Если я, удалю у полей Condition States, последний (и единственный) Group X из формы - не удаляется...

Как убрать эту проблему?

Заранее благодарю за ответы!

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4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


I tested this and gropupx works fine for me on the form that has conditionals , do you get any javascript errors?

71 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Yes. In Console, I have these error:

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

This looks like conditional javascript is not loaded, are trying to to conditionals inside the groupx? Which conditionals do you use?

Sorry for all this questions, but I need to be able to reproduce this problem before I can do anything

71 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

It's OK Klas! I - understand. Thenx you!

Outside Group X, conditional - work's fine! But, in inside Group X...

I use thes conditionals:

Exp Work Yes To - it's Calendar field

Exp Work Yes Now - it's Checkbox. It have only one options: "Now"


  • if Exp Work Yes Now - checked, Exp Work Yes To - is Hidden and is Disabled

Doesn't matter, what field or/and conditional I use - last and only one Grop X disappears from form when I click on button Group X "Delete"...

P. S.

I use Custom Template for my form. But, when I turned off my Custom Template, my problem whit Conditional States - not disappears

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

Sorry, but like many other things, conditionals inside groupx don't work. Basically only fields from child group with some (but not all) styling settings are used in the parent.

71 Posts
9 years ago
Level 6

I mean, you also removed the only instance of Group X when using the Condition States?

71 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas

Hm... When I make the same form as on Site in Admin Form, Conditional States, is work fine AND! the last (and only) Group X isn't delete from the my form... Why? That is, everything works fine!

Thank you in advance for your answers!

71 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

I create new Content Type in Admin. Create some Content Type and insert it in CroupX. GruopX - I use in Admin. Conditional States (in Admin) in GroupX - is work fine - not problem... Why?! I don't understand...

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