How to get a RSS Feed from List & Search Type 85 Postsyuberlin 11 years ago5TopicI use a List & Search Type for showing job offers. What do i need to get a rss feed from these list? When i use rss syndicate module i dont get results on these list pages... 7 Postsxcienfuegox 11 years ago3Level 1I'm looking for answer to the same question... 38 Postsperrineco 10 years ago2Level 2Hi, so am I!Any chance ?Thanks! 693 Postsrpoy 10 years ago1Level 3Hi,Perhaps this plugin might work?Regards,Randy 38 Postsperrineco 10 years ago0Level 4Thanks, I'll give a try!Perrine Dazza 10 years ago0Level 1Did anyone get this working? I installed the plugin but still not able to get a RSS feed from a Seblod 3.3 List search results.Cheers.