15 Posts
fabrizio 72
10 years ago

Hi and thanks for this great component

I'm using 3.3.4 version

I'm having a problem in trying to get the email of the author in the article admin Form, I'm using the "article author" field with live plug-in configured on "User" and "email" as Live value, but what i get is always the name of the author and not the email.

This is very strange because I'm using exactly the same field in the Site Form, where it works without problems.

Please some one can help me to solve this problem? or can suggest me another way to get the author email, I need it to send to the author a message when his article is published/unplublished.

I really thanks you in advance for any help.



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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Fabrizio,

I just tested it, and it appears to work in my setup.  Did you set the Live plugin information on the Admin side as well?



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