11 years ago
I'm using the Select Dynamic Cascade plugin. I previously posted here: http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/fields-plug-ins/setting-up-for-dynamic-cascade-plugin

I've managed to get the cascading select to work, but now I can't seem to figure out how to get it to actually DO anything!

I've tried using a Submit button, but no luck. After a user gets through the cascading selects, how do I get it to actually process the info and jump to the correct page? Really all I need it to do is to jump to the page in the last drop down.

Any suggestions, any thoughts, ANY REPLIES AT ALL are appreciated!!
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175 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Maybe if you put a Select Dynamic Cascade inside a Search&List on catid, you would obtain what you want: a category blog or table display. Although it will not have correct taxonomy, it will show all the articles that are in the correct category.
There was a similar Joomla module - Hierarchical Category Filter, but it works only in Joomla 2.5.x
11 years ago
Level 1
Hello danzo,
the Plugin Field Cascade Dynamic is actually not made for that, but more to work in a submission or Search form to send data in the form.

For doing what you need, i think you must add a Ajax request on the "On change" event of the last "select" to get your link and then move to it.

In the Ajax request, you have to send all values of each selects in the cascade, create your custom link and then, on the return, jump to the link.

Hope it will help.

11 years ago
Level 1
Thanks for the replies. I've decided to go in a slightly different direction based on this information.
11 years ago
Level 1
Ok, I'm back...
So Lionel, if I'm understanding you correctly, could this plugin be used on the back end so the admin can select through a very complex category structure when creating new content?
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