10 years ago


I want to use the select dynamic cascade field to create a relationship between 2 content types I created using the Standard Article storage method. 

This method creates auxiliary fields in # __cck_store_form(...) tables to store information that is not in default Joomla #__content table. 

To better illustrate the situation, the tables are service types and companies that provide these services, and the relationship between them is one service type to many companies. 

Using the Free Construction method in Dynamic Cascade field I easily joined the 2 tables but my problem is to filter the companies field (end behaviour) when selected one service type (start behaviour), as the link field in the companies table is in the auxiliary # __cck_store_form (...) table. 

How do I connect the Parent parameter to link to this field? 

The example that you included in the Select Dynamic Cascade field page is showing a relationship between tables created apart from the default joomla content system... please correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks in advance.

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Emerson,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forums.  If you have not done so, please take a moment to review the documentation in the Manuals section. It would also be helpful for you to be familiar with the SEBLOD storage methodology in this tutorial and videos.

I understand that you have 2 Content Types, Service Types and Companies. In the company content type, do you have a Select Dynamic field to select the Service type? Can you give some more details on the content types that you have?



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