10 years ago

Hi everybody, 

I’m using the great Seblod Importer to add content via csv. Is there a way to choose which user will be the author of this imported content ?

In the importer, under the default value part, there is a author select, but there’s only superuser here. Any ideas ?



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10 years ago
Level 1

Hello MVDI,

In the parameters, effectively, only super users are listed.

If you need to custom author, you can add the column "created_by" in the CSV file and adapt the ID of the user for each row.

Best regards.


10 years ago
Level 2

Hi,and thank you for this really fast answer.

In fact, your solution is the first I tried, but it’s really not convenient for end users to write their ID (which they may not know) in each row.

To be clear, here is what I try to do : End-Users fill a csv file and send it to administrator, who will make the import and, somehow, choose who will be the author of this content.

Important points are : 

- end users don’t have to write their ID in the csv

- administrator may have to do some more "complicated" stuff, but it would be great if he doesn’t have to edit each row in csv.

Is there a solution which would fit my needs ?

Thanks again

9 years ago
Level 3


For the moment, you can not have the feature you described with the current version of the add-on importer. You need to add manually in the csv file the ids of users.

One solution is to edit the csv file with excel and edit replace the names of users by their ids.

Another solution is to add an additional process before the import in order to transform automatically the csv file with the names or the logins of the authors.


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