151 Posts
8 years ago


It's not working the option to change the the menu item to open a field link. Any option you choose opens it in the inherit menu item.

Could this be a problem since the last Seblod upgrade? This was working fine before.

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Where do you experience this, on list? In component or in module?

151 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas

This is happening in Lists and in module lists.

Somethin strange happened with many links ->view and auto redirect to content settings in list type menu items :(

There is aalso a problem with the custom variables in the link-> view  and in link -> list&search options. Before the last Seblod update there were working fine, now is like there werent at all.

151 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2


I've been making a lot of tests because this issue is really important for my project and I found that the problem with the link -> view - menu item happens just in list&search types but just when they are inside a joomla module or displayed inside a list field (inside my content type content view) and only when the content view is been displayed.

If I make a menu item for my_list&search type the link inside my items (view -> menu item: my_menu/my_submenu) is working fine but if I make a module witch display the same my_lis&search type at the bottom of my content view the item link opens in the same URL where is my content no matters if the link has the option menu item set to "my_menu/my_submenu".

Something similar occurs with the links -> list&search - custom variables. If the link is on a content field the custom variables are working fine and they are displayed on the URL but if the link is in an item inside a list module there is no URL variables so I can't use them as live values.

Before this last Seblod update this setting was working. Maybe something about it changes and I need to adjust it somewhere else?

Please help, this is driving me crazy :(

8 years ago
Level 3

We have the same problem!
We had Lists & Search Types listed in an article:

Compact Table Models with Spacious Interior

Cutting Machines for Mid-Size Work Pieces from 7,5kW to 18,5kW Driving Power

Cutting Machines for Big Work Pieces from 18,5kW to 30kW Driving Power

s-tischmodelle-en <==> Lists & Search module

Link to content dose not work!!!!

(Joomla: 3.5.1, Seblod: 3.8.2)

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


I made a bug report about links


Custom variables are working ok for me, e.g. abc=5 is always appended to the url, perhaps post screenshot of your link configuration (if SEF URLs is set to Inherited, please also include your global sef type setting )

8 years ago
Level 1

Hi, we need a solution soon on this!!!!!!!
Is there somthing new??

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2


I'm sorry, but as you can see on github issue, there has been no progression on this.

8 years ago
Level 1

I have found a solution.
Joomla 3.6.2, 3.8.4 Seblod
In the Seblod options you can setup the SEF settings (Tab: Site):
Joomla! prepend segment
works!!! :-)

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