10 years ago

Hallo Sebloders,

I have 2 issues with the modal box (colorbox). I'm using a wysiwyg modal box inside a group x over a standart wysiwyg to keep my form clear. Unfortunately the modal Box is to short (the height must be larger). Where can I find the Settings for the Modal Box? I tried to change the settings inside my wysiwyg seblod field. But this didn't effect the output?

The other issue is rather a question: I looked into the modal-box code inside my group x via firebug. The modal box loads as many iframes as there are items inside the group x field. Is this behavior correct?

Best regards and thanks in advance.

I made two screenshot witch show the multiple and identical iframes inside one modal box. This bothers me, because it takes the wysiwyg at least 5-7 seconds till its fully loaded inside the modal box, because it loads each of this iframes sequentially:

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


there is no such setting, modal box adjusts to the size of the screen, then if it is too small scrollbars appear so you can scroll down inside the modal to see more

10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

thx for your response. My modal box doesn't change its size when I resize the screen and when the jce-manager pops out there are no scroll bars.

Look here:

Modal Box large

Modal Box small

151 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Looks like that's your HTML editor issue (JCE, I think?), not a Seblod issue. Might try to ask for support on the editor forum? Sorry if I'm misunderstanding.

10 years ago
Level 4

Thx MtnPavlas,

I perfectly understand, but I tried to use TinyMCE and "no Editor" (Textarea) and got the same behavior:

TinyMCE small

TinyMCE large

No Editor small

No Editor large

10 years ago
Level 5

I added two screenshots of the multiple iframes inside the modal box in my opening topic above. Is it possible that this is a seblod bug. Has someone else noticed this inside a group x?

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 6

Using wysiwyg inside group x is not recommended (same with field x), it is jsut too mooch javascript involved to make it work properly.

10 years ago
Level 7

Is there any recommendation on how too deal with multiple wysiwyg's inside group x? Because multiple wysiwyg's with Standard mode (without modal box) don't work togehter propably either. I mean when you need more than one.

10 years ago
Level 1

hello all,

Second time I read about this modal box. Still don't know what it is, but if it have an ID and a Class it could be styled in a css file with media querries.

Something like:

@media (max-width: 980px) { . clas _of_the_box { width: 5%; ...}}

980 being the breakpoint where you want teh size to change.

If I'm wrong please let me know so I learn something.

Best regards to all, 


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