10 years ago


This new plugin finds the right menu item to attach to the link on a given content. This is very helpful when you have several content types in the same list and want to attach various menu items given the content.

You can download it at the Pulsar Informatique web site here. Please read the instructions since it requires (at least with seblod 3.3.4) to patch seblod.


Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1
Better to SEBLOD team merge patch to core.

Queries in plugin need more Joomla approach :) . The plugin only work is we use #__content table
10 years ago
Level 2

the plugin works with the other tables (not only #__content) as we use in in production but we need to modify a seblod file (as stated in the description) beacause of a missing parameter in one seblod file.

Another concern is when we combine any link plugin (ours or the original one) with a typo plugin IF we specify a field that contains the content id. In this case we need to write the typo plugin so that it doesn't interfere with the link plugin. 

178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi, pulsar_informatique. 

In my catalog i have just one content type, but items have different categories. And for these categories i have menu items with different live values of category field . So i try to have right links to items in dependence of their category. 

Will your plugin do the job? 


10 years ago
Level 4


Yes the plugin solves such an issue. In the plugin you have to specify the combination content type + category -> a given itemID.

Actually you can specify any field of the data base as a filter. Once you have set all the rules (one rule for each category/itemid) you are done


178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi and tnx for so quick answer.

I was trying to set it as you said but with no luck. So I will describe my situation a little bit better and maybe you can direct me to my mistake.

As you can see a get standart joomla links like "id-alias". And in main menu item "catalog" i still get links without desired segments.

10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Jeka

The configuration in the plugin seems correct. 

I also understand the plugins does find the right itemID depending on the category. Your only problem is the lack of 'ID' in the alias.

Did you try to set the ID-ALIAS setting in the list configuration instead of in each rule ?

I just re test the plugin on one of our recent site with the id-alias setting in the rule and it works here. Are you sure you took the latest version of the plugin (1.20) ?

Sometimes I saw SEF settings in the content type or in the seblof global configuration may interfere



178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi, Cyril. Really big thankyou for your help. 

Yes, im using the latest verision of the plugin from this page: http://www.pulsar-informatique.com/telechargements-gratuits/dynamic-view-link-plugin 

I reinstalled plugin and set in list configuration tab sef to "alias" and in link configuration modal parameter "force url: alias" set to "Hérité" 

And finally it is working. Thankyou one more time for your plugin and your help!

178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Cyril, how can i force .html ending in url?

10 years ago
Level 1


This is a general Joomla SEO configuration. 

By the way we just updated the DYNAMIC  VIEW plugin so that you can set the order of the rules (ie set priorities) by draging the rule upwards and downwards. You no longer need to set the additional fields in the template, the plugin goes and finds them alone!

It is still at http://www.pulsar-informatique.com/telechargements-gratuits/dynamic-view-link-plugin

178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi, Cyril. 

This is a general Joomla SEO configuration. 

Yes, that is and it works everyvery, exept links generated by the plugin. I get links like site.com/catalog/subcatalog/alias 

Maybe this issue is somehow connected with .htaccess configuration? 

178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi again. There is a bug with the plugin. I try to set more than 5 rules in plugin settings. For example, i set 7 rules, than I save plugin settings and content type. After that i go to the plugin settings modal and its blank, without any rules. I test it on different installation, but its seems to be bug.

10 years ago
Level 4


thanks for using our plugin. We don't have the bug here. Are you using the latest version on our website? 

Anyway, which version of Joomla! and Seblod do you use please. it's true we only tested it on Joomla 3.3.6 and Seblod 3.5.0 :)


178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5


Im using 1.4 of your plugin, joomla 3.3.6 and seblod 3.5.0.

I just reinstalled plugin, the same. Cant add more that 5 rules. 

Any ideas or suggestions ? 

Tnx. Jeka

10 years ago
Level 6

Hi, yeah, you're right this plugin has a somehow bug, meaning we havent opmized the size of the data we're using in configuration >__<

These data configuration being saved in the datatable #__cck_core_search_field ( or #__cck_core_type_field, depending ) in the row link_options and this row being a varchar(1024), there isn't that much place !

We're currently working on a better use of this place,


178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 7


Great news.

Thankyou for your work.

10 years ago
Level 8

Let's check out our last version here => dynamic-view-link-plugin !

Hope it'll work fine ^^

But, in any case, we're still limited by the size of the row link_options in the 2 tables #__cck_core_type_field and #__cck_core_search_field, wich is still 1042 char, so we can't save too much link_options, or we've got to alter the table, or save the configuration in another place, wich i doubt being really clean, but i'll listen to any advice

178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 9

Hi, Cyril and Hurin!

I try to build simple catalog just with 8 different menu items.

In this version i can add 8 rules, set ACL, Content Type for them. But when i try to set filter field i again get blank fields. So, there is still not enough space to store all configuration data in table.

Maybe it will be better to alter table for more spacious one.

Tnx, Jeka

10 years ago
Level 10

Hi Jeka,

Ok, so, we wan still alter the tables, but it's a bit dangerous to do so cause these modifications might be deleted when you make an update of seblod,...

So, here's the sql you can execute on you phpmyadmin, or using a command line, but know that it's not safe to do so, these modifications will be deleted when you'll do an update of seblod =>

ALTER TABLE`#__cck_core_type_field` CHANGE `link_options` `link_options` VARCHAR( 2048 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'intro,content';
" ALTER TABLE`#__cck_core_search_field` CHANGE `link_options` `link_options` VARCHAR( 2048 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOTNULL COMMENT 'intro,content';"

(here i set 2048 char, you can still set a bigger size, depending of what you're looking for )

Btw, i made a new request asking to expand the size of these rows here => new request

Have a nice day 

332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

I find it impossible to get this plugin to work. :(

I've tried duplicating the settings in the screenshot higher up, but it's not working.

The field I want to filter based on is a unlocked field. With values like this: Category 1=category1, Category 2=category2

I've tried with filtering on "Category 1", "category1" and "Category 1=category1" without no luck.

9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Kenneth

Please send here some details about what you are trying to achieve with some screenshots. I will try to help you!


332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

I've created one content type and a search and list type.

All content items created with this content type gets placed in the same Joomla category.

I've got another simple select field to handle categorisation. 

(I need to do it like this because the need of using joomla article manager for ordering articles manually with drag and drop, and that dosn't work well when they are placed in different categories)

To the point:

These content items should adhere to one of two menu items, as you see on the 3. screenshot. But it's not working.

9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Kenneth

I never use the 'native' SEO setting but I don't understand what you mean by 'not working': does the dynamic link plugin find the real menu item and the problem is the way the url is rewritten OR does the plugin NOT find the rigtht menu item you setup in the plugin configuration ?



332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

I've tried native, alias etc.. no one of them is working.

It dosn't find the right menu item.

9 years ago
Level 4

I'm not sure we tested it with unlocked fields. It should work however. Did you try with standard locked fields please ?



332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

Still nothing. :(

9 years ago
Level 3

Did you set the 'dynamic menu' option to YES ?


332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

Hi, sorry for the late answer.

Yes, I tried settings in all varieties I could think of.

I had to solve it by adding some code to the custom template, to combine two fields to create the right url based on menu items. It work with two separate list templates (customised).

One for frontpage that created all the right urls by combining two fields, and one for all the subpages that just pulled the url and combined it with menu item.

But, your plugin. I do love the concept and I'm wondering why I didn't get it to work. What is the normal setup to just expect that it should work?

9 years ago
Level 1


We upated the plugin. You can download it here.

Please report your results



178 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Cyril.

Did yuo made request asking to expand the size of these rows on Github??

Thx, Jeka

9 years ago
Level 3

Hi Jeka

We just wrote it down in the tracker but now we added it to the github



178 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4


Get a Book for SEBLOD