11 years ago

Warning. !!!!!!! Don't use my plugin anymore. My hosting websites have been hacked the most probably from my personal computer which could had been hacked some time earlier. As i know it happened about 06 may 2014.

I appologise for that.

I compared the numbers of bytes of the two files, urls of which i had placed earlier on this topic and they have the same number of bytes so as i see they haven't been changed by virus/hacker so far.

I have created a field plugin creating pdf. called PDF Factory. Before you download some info below.
1. UPDATE INFO: jQuery must be installed and running in /administrator joomla panel.
0. It is like almost beta version. There can be some issues.
1. It should better work on linux. It could work bad on windows serwers at the moment (maybe only directory tag problem).
2. It creates pdf documents based on HTML code.
3. You can easily change library tcpdf of mpdf. Tcpdf is most finished. Mpdf shows only content with no title or author, but file name is remembered.
4. Mpdf is better for html. Tcpdf is really good for forms and javascript.
5. It allows for reading html and javascript strings from different fields.
6. I intendet it also for use with Seblod built in field called email (attachements) but never checked how email field works.
7. It tries to put pdf files into userId or userId/articleId Directory. There can be many files i the same directory with the same name because there are additional unique directories created for each file. All is placed in images/pdfFactoryImages directory
8. It downloads additional libraries - a file of about 25 MB which upacked have about 50 MB. Additional files are fetched from my website using address: http://......./pdflibs.zip No CRC or something similar is checked - this simply downloads and unpack files with no sofisticated mechanisms. Please don't use this URL manualy or don't put it nowhere in the Internet because i don't want to test patience of my server provider - allegedly unlimited transfer but...
9. The plugin should work when User or Article forms are used. It maybe won't work with Categories forms and User Group forms. It tries to detect userId and articleId to create pdfs. If nothing neccessary is present it won't create a pdf.
10. Pdfs are created only when a form is displayed.
11. Pdfs can ber removed only manually.
12. Option of creation HTML or Javascript from PHP (HTML is converted to PDF) is natively supported - checkbox option.
13. I won't take any responsibility for how it works :). I hope it is fine. The plugin is intendent for decent purposes
14. It is distributed under GNU General Public License version 2 or later.

If you like the plugin or not, you are invited to place your opinions.

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42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Hello Sir,
I've tryed to work with your plugin but I'm unable to do anything at the moment...
Some obscure points,
"-1. UPDATE INFO: jQuery must be installed and running in /administrator joomla panel."
Can you please explain what are you referring to with this line? Some plugin in particular? Some library? Would you link it, please?
After installing the plugin I cannot see any kind of option in its page, could it be because of the absence of that jquery plugin/library you're mentioning?
8. It downloads additional libraries - a file of about 25 MB which upacked have about 50 MB.
Could you tell me when this should happen? It's something automatic when the first form is created-submitted or it should happen during-after the installation?

Thank you in advance for every clarification...


11 years ago
Level 2
All was tested in Firefox web browser. I haven't thought about it earlier that this can matter. See, please, another post with the answers to your questions.

Update: I see it should work on Chrome too (values are remembered), Opera, IE not tested but on the newer version there should be no important issues.
Update: I tested admin side on Windows XP, and commercial Linux hosting and admin side works well - installation, downloading libraries, remembering values of the fields. It looks pretty good.
Udate: Actually i tested it additionally on my home computer which is quite slow and i have normally slow internet connection (i live in a village) so it can be that your server may need more time for the request downloading libraries too. Simply wait and remember that in such cases there is longer maximum time for script execution needed and should be set up in php.ini file if not something more (rarely but...)
11 years ago
Level 1

Good afternoon romyo.

Updae: I forget maybe one key thing. All in the admin form was tested in Firefox. I appologize if this is the main cause of problems

The project is still in its beta stage. But it seems that running jquery should fix all the technical problems problems.
The project was installed on Joomla 3.2.x version with 3.2.x Seblod version. But this doesn't neccessary mean that you cannot install it on the earlier versions of Joomla and Seblod.

But Quick answers:
-1. jQuery (jquery.com) is a javascript library for making programming in javascript much easier.
It is placed on browser side in html code inside head tags See your source code. Maybe there is already such a line like this with the word jquery:
<script src="/media/jui/js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
If not, you can put some a line with to the latest version of jQuery from jQuery server.
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Of course you can download the plugin and link in script tag in your favourite way.
Some html knowledge is useful.
I suggest doing the same on the front end form but as i remember it is not neccessary.
If you don't see any options i assume that it is you haven't jQuery.

8. When PDF Factory plugin field settings are set up for the first time in the admin form.

[To do: CRC check] Needed pdf libraries have just been downloaded.The libraries has also been installed correctly (tcpdf and mpdf libraries).
Some screens and info for everybody:

After the plugin has been installed let's choose Uncacotegorised field "Pdf factory":

When the plugin just has been installed when it's chosen for the first time it downloads
and unpacks the library zip file. This is becaouse the libraries are too big to send them
during plugin installation process.
so you should in this version see something like this:
[To do: CRC check] Needed pdf libraries have just been downloaded.The libraries has also been installed correctly (tcpdf and mpdf libraries).

And the screen for it.

After each next invoking the same screen you should see that the libraries are already installed.

The writing in green:

Example params should looke like theese.

And technical information is that one use of jQuery library is to transform all the form into variables and vice versa when neccessary to be used by pdf factory plugin.

Notice too i am sometimes not aware how people think and use things. The truth is that real-life forms worked in front-end only. Of course pdf field main params has to be set up in admin/seblod way first.

Don't want to offend you by writing simple things. You see, this topic can be read by people on different stages of knowledge.

10 years ago
Level 1
Someone has experiences with the plugin?

In the meantime:

When pdf is created by tcpdf there are some margins set. They can be changed to lesser for example in file:

$pdf->SetMargins(14, 14, 14);

to for example:

$pdf->SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, 0);

Set Auto pagebreak this way as i recall allows for automatic changing to another page of the pdf. Without it it is broken too but too early.

10 years ago
Level 1
One question. Is there any systemic way to post plugins to the Seblod community, also not polished ones? Can be also posted paid plugins?
10 years ago
Level 1
i am also testing related pdf software that help me create pdf software it has a lot of similar points with PDF factory. do you have any free trial package so that i can compare them and make decision which one to use. maybe the two can take the advantage of each other. thanks

pdf application to create pdf document
10 years ago
Level 2
The question is wierd. I don't know whether the technologies are related to each other. C# is not for PHP. They are different technologies. Remember the list on top i have written, especially all the point where i wrote (citation) "I won't take any responsibility for how it works :). I hope it is fine. The plugin is intended for decent purposes"
10 years ago
Level 1

Warning. Don't use my plugin anymore. My hosting websites have been hacked the most probably from my personal computer which could had been hacked some time earlier. As i know it happened about 06 may 2014.

I appologise for that. As i know the plugin has not been changed. It even can be so that one of the recent POSTs on the Seblod forums has been made from my computer. I hope it never has been the case.

I compared the numbers of bytes of the two files, urls of which i had placed earlier on this topic and they have the same number of bytes so as i see they haven't been changed by virus/hacker so far.

10 years ago
Level 1


Can we have an update of this plugin please?

is there a way to test it?

thanks a lot


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