11 years ago


I would like to display images near my radio buttons in a search form.

I tried the following solution mentioned in older posts, but with no success : #my_image_path#=value instead of label=value.

It just displays #my_image_path# near the button.

Is this solution still working ? Am I missing something ?

Btw, what are the new "custom attributes" added to the options of a radio button  in the V3 ?

Thx !!!

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11 years ago
Level 1

Hi flovertaco,

"Checkbox Image" and "Radio Image" will be available in a few days.

The "Custom Attributes" that you can see in SEBLOD 3, is something awesome!

It allows you to add Custom Data Attributes to any option of your checkbox, radio, select fields.. 

You can read a bit of info about Custom Data Attributes here: http://html5doctor.com/html5-custom-data-attributes/

By using these attributes with SEBLOD features such as "Conditional States and Triggers", and "Computation Rules" you'll give much more interactions/possibilities to your forms.. and thus.. build true application interfaces.



11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Saba,

Thank you for the reply. Custom data attributes looks indeed awesome and I can't wait to use this feature .. as well as Radio image :)

Congratulations to the whole team for this amazing tool and the continuous improvement !

Just in order to me to plan my upcoming work, could you tell me what you mean approximately by "a few days", if you have any idea ?

Thanks again !

11 years ago
Level 2

Hi team,

Following Saba's post => "Checkbox Image" and "Radio Image" will be available in a few days.

It was a month ago .. Do you know if this will be available soon (I didn't see it in the products list) ?


106 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1


Are there any news? Anything? Still reading all around in old forum, have no solution or clean example. Would be nice ...


154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Any update from SEBLOD on these fields :

"Checkbox Image" and "Radio Image" ?

Thank you

9 years ago
Level 3

I would also like this

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi all,

I'm not sure what the fate of the fields that Saba spoke about is. However, you really don't need a special field for this. Please take a look here, and embrace some CSS3 awesomeness.


Example here: http://jsfiddle.net/La8wQ/10/

I've just implemented this on one of my sites, and it's great.


118 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

I'm recently have a project that needed picture to replace radio button. The radio field will be used several times so i need something that more dynamic to add different image in every usage. I also need to style the ouput to use flexbox but the HTML output of radio uses css fieldset that is not support flexbox. I ended up by creating a new radio plugin modified based on radio fields, that would give me a better flexibility to produce the HTML output.

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