10 years ago
Hello everyone,

I have a data base that advertises lecturers. Each lecturer can create a business profile. One of the fields (on each profile) is "level of degree" and it values/options are: 1. bachelor's degree, 2. Master's degree, 3. Ph.D/Doctoral candidate, 4. Professor. I would like to change the 3rd option to "Ph.D". Will it affect the profiles of the lecturers who chose the third option ?

Thank you very much,
ProfilU CEO
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Ofer,

I just did a test, and it does affect the option.  So if there are several PH.D/Doctoral candidates currently, and if you change the radio option to PH.D in the Content Type, they will all become deselected.

The result is the same for Simple Select (dropdown) boxes.

Hope that helps,


4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

options have values and labels, what is stored when you submit a form is values (e.g. 1,2,3 in your case ). If you change a label, this will update display for all records as labels get looked up at the time content is displayed. Hope this makes sense :)
10 years ago
Level 2
Thank you Klas and Randy.

I hope I got it right. So when I change the value of option number 3 it will simply deselect those values for every user who chose option number 3 in the database? For example, every user who chose "Ph.D/Doctoral candidate" (old label number 3) as a level of degree will be automatically diselected and i will have to chose "Ph.D"  (the new label) for every one of those users?

These are the labels I was reffering to - click here.

Many thanks,
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