42 Posts
4 years ago

Hello guys!

Just a quick question, I'm using the field validation regex plugin but the expression I need to use is longer than the 255 chars I can write in the form, I guess it's a joomla related problem but...is there some way to fix it without broke anything?

Thank you!


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248 Posts
4 years ago
Level 1

Hi, the regex for validation is stored in the validation_option column of tables #__cck_core_type_field and #__cck_core_search_field. Seblod creates these columns as VARCHAR(1024) so if you need more, you can change the dimension of that field via SQL/phpMyAdmin.

I don't know if there is also a limit to 255 chars in the Seblod code.



42 Posts
4 years ago
Level 2

Hello Giuse!

Thank you for your support,

If I remember correctly I was able to change alter the table itself but still wasn't able to input the needed expression, I also tried to write it directly into the sql but didn't work.
Today I think it is a problem of seblod itself, I find a lot of troubles trying to create a functional multi-stage form, the worst part is that sometimes it works and the next day it doesn't work anymore.
Thank you anyway, I really appreciate a reply in this lonely and deserted land :)
Oh wait, nevermind, I see that you're from Italy too! Cheers!

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