11 years ago

My og tags look like this

<meta property="og:description" content="::cck::34::/cck::::introtext::::/introtext::::fulltext:

How can I remove or replace the ::cck:: ?

Thanks in advance

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152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi kaon,

is the meta tag generated by an extension?

kind regards

233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Maybe use something like ReReplacer from NoNumber.nl ?

572 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi, I'm not sure why this post is being bumped from a year ago?

But I'm wondering why the ::cck:: removal is necessary? why is your introtext field being used as the meta description?

I think a better approach would be to use the SD Concat plugin (on the store), set up with the correct storage for the core Joomla meta description field (Standard > Article > metadesc) to duplicate your introtext content and store it in the correct place. Then there will be no ::cck:: tags, as they are only used to create the links between the cck_store_form tables and the com_content table.


233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
"Hi, I'm not sure why this post is being bumped from a year ago?"

Actually, that applies to every second post ;) (no offend)

Seriously, I stumbled upon the topic and was curious about the issue. I assume it is a SEO/metadata extension which grabs the intro text. In general, I am not a real friend of this plugin syntax inside the J! article... but that's another story.

Nice tip and use case for the Concat plugin. Thanks for that!

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