103 Posts
6 years ago

Hi friends,

I am stuck here with this issue:

there is a calendar field (seblod calendar) in form with  d-m-Y and show time hide.

when I use the same field in list and search it shows there are no results.

any suggestions please???

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

You probably should adjust your matching, without matching set eg. to past or future you are searching for the records with exact same date and time. 

103 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for your reply Klas!

I tried this, but it does not work.

may be it is because in DB the value is stored in Y-m-d format and I am trying to use d-m-Y.

I will update if changing it works.

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

Calendar field should automatically transform the date to the right format. First step with not-workable searches is always to turn on debugging in the search type so you can see what query is being run.

103 Posts
6 years ago
Level 4

Hi Klas,

Thanks for your support!

Actually I am creating a simple epaper system with a list of epapers linked with the detail view.

The user must be able to search the epaper with the exact date so I can't use matching past or future.

I am geting this error now:

"You either used wrong format or locale set by language file is not supported on your server - en_GB.utf8"

but I am unable to get how to rectify this.

103 Posts
6 years ago
Level 5

I don't know how and why, but after resetting some values in global configuration of joomla and recreating the calendar field solved my issue.

Many many thanks to Klas for always being there for us...

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 6

Would be very nice if you could pinpoint the cause of this error as it appears for people from time to time and it very hard to help if we don't know how to reproduce it.

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