10 years ago

Hello guys,

I am still learning SEBLOD and I am almost going live with my first application. The thing I am struggling now is the importing for my custom App. I created an APP under the SEBLOD > Apps structure.

The thing is, I need to import some CSVs to my database, as I will be receiving data from another application to display in my web system, but I can't chose my app as the Object in the Importer. 

I am able to import using Article asthe Object and my Form in the Content Type, but this way it imports data to the right table and also creates and Article for each row I import. I am trying to not create the article, just import to my table. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance,


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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi guilherme,

When you use the importer, it will create articles with the type as your Content Type.  If you dont want the articles, then you would need to import through the database.  Make sure you back up and test with a small dataset first.

Hope that helps,


8 years ago
Level 1

Welcome to the clud.

I have the exact same issue with a tire search engine i build and my customer wants to import csv from another source just like you.

I suppose that do solve your problem you have to select the content type select and be sure that the form has the exact table names as your csv.

I also would recomend to create a table in the db first and then assign tables and seblod storage as it should to match the fields

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